Mass Effect Trilogy remastered happening

Mass Effect Trilogy remastered happening

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Hopefully not

It would be weird if it wasn't. Mass Effect is one of their most iconic series.

>journo garbage = it's happening
one of the many examples of why Yas Forums is shit these days

Will they fix the ending?

You know shit's bad when decade old games they're still selling for a premium are getting rebooted

>mass effect trilogy
just patch and throw that shit on GoG or something

Coming soon to the Nintendo Switch(tm)

If they overhaul the ending then fuck it I’ll take it

ME3 wasn't bad just because of the ending, you disgusting bugman faggot.

>tfw it's the Dead Space 1-3 Remaster Collection and Dead Space 4

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user, stop. It's not happening.

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>ME1 remaster
>Remove elevators because it's too much work, loading screens are better
>Remove mako because it's too much work
>Port everything to UE4 or frosbite and have everything look like shit
Can't wait

>Dead Space 4
developed by who, retard?

Why was it bad?

Did I say the whole game was bad just because of the ending you absolute fuckwaffle, I fucking love mass effect one, two and three. I just don’t like the ending.

>DS3 remaster
why even fucking bother


I'm the reason the gaming industry is dying. If they remaster the trilogy on the Nintendo switch then it's a day one take all my money situation for me.

>bought a switch
>giving EA money
>paying for games I already own on Xbox

>Port everything to UE4
Haha, no. They'll keep using FB even if it kills them.

>Choices ended up not mattering in the end
>Characters going full retard
>Kai Leng
>named Reapers not even bothering to show up despite being hyped up in previous games
>The baby
>Reaper motivation was revealed to be absolutely fucking retarded
And lots more, I just can't remember

Who gives a shit.
One of them better be a Hit & Run Remake

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We need other games being remastered like dead space and army of two. They could also fix dead space 3

They killed Visceral when it didnt sell enough after ordering them to rape the franchise which drove people away.
I doubt EA even remembers Dead Space.

>releasing 4 major games in one month

>EA puts out a Mass Effect remaster
>it has even more SJW garbage than the original series

I'd be all for it because it's a pain in the ass to get all the DLC.

ME trilogy is UE3. Can't be ported to Frostbite.

Will it be on next-gen stuff or ps4/xbone.
I only get a console near the end of its cycle.

i bet a hundred that it will be worse than ME modded

does the trilogy remastered count as 1 or 3 games in this case?

What is the obsession with remakes/reboots/sequels for the last couple of years? Both in movies and vidya. Is it the millennial pandering?

ps4/xbone/switch seems to be the current trend, i wonder if thats still the case in 2021

they've had the rights to star wars for fucking years and they've had bioware for fucking years but THEY STILL REFUSE TO MAKE KOTOR 3. FUCK EA. AT LEAST GIVE IT TO OBSIDIAN TO FINISH FUCKING HELL IT MAKES ME SO MAD.

Andromeda was partly made on UE3 before they forced the switch. They'll do it here as well. IF it happens.

I don't really care for it. Old games run just fine. Now if they rewrote Mass Effect 3 or retconed some things made Mass Effect 4. But only if story is good and we get sexy love interests. Bindromeda was a travesty.

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Millennials are having extreme difficulty growing up.

Don't hold your breath on that happening, even though I want it too.

Don't forget the Cerberus nonsense.

How is it even going to work? All three games have different combat systems.

who cares?

>Switch port beggars are now on par with PC players
Feels good to be an idort

The industries are imploding. Profit margins are what were projected so they're just cashing in on their trademarks.

What's the point? They still have fairly modern graphics.

Making something new takes effort, time and money.

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