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Is Classic DarkRP even still around?

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Did Barry go too far?

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He was breaking immersion, completely justified


get OFF me WOW

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He's Barry White he can do what he wants

i've been thinking about opening one for some time now, I will get a job this summer so me and other veterans of the gamemode will probably just admin the entire thing
>no paid admins
>no fucking retards as admins
>no dowloading fucking 4gb of useless addons evertime you join
>no vip
>no fucking retarded rules
>chill admins

Oh boy I cant wait for me to open the server only for 6 people to join on an entire month only to close it

enjoy your 15 years old with power complexes


Check out GoodfellasRP then. lawless and not p2w


yeah Im not into the english community, Im part of the spanish one, but I guess we all suffer the same shit

I know Russians and French servers still run classic servers. I still see Russian servers running fucking rp_bangclaw from way back then.


>Classic DarkRP
Yeah of course it's still around. DarkRP is trash and always has been, nothing has changed.


They know it's shit they just wanna be 12 again.

I can't look at Father Grigori the same way anymore without thinking about him yelling that

I am the law

gmod server when

>Please stop falling [goy]. You're breaking my immersion.

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Isnt that that nazi RP shit? man that server was fucking trash.

I actually made a dark RP server for Yas Forums, complete with custom jobs, weapons, ect.

However, if anyone has experience with using DarkRP, I can't fucking get money printers to work. I've edited the code and everything but no matter what. Every custom money printer defaults to being the default money printer and only prints 100 dollars every 5 minutes.

Anyone got a way to deal with this? It's really the reason I haven't continued this project cause its fucking annoying and halts gameplay

Attached: bayou.jpg (1920x1080, 685.22K)

I played a lot way back on 2012-2014 and I belive a little on 2015 and I LOVED it but what killed the gamemode for me were retarded rules like fear rp.
Then wasting like 10 solid minutes joining a server only to see missing texture/models was also a great bummer for me, also seeing like almost all cool works are after a fucking paywall

Second problem: Most, if almost not the admins in that gamemode must have cerebral palsy or being under 12 years old as a requirement because I dont fucking get how many fucking autistic morons get their hands on administration

third problem: you are breaking like 1 of our 200 rules that no one reads or follows but get brought up when someone is interested in fucking you over. They love to talk about inmersion while fucking anime spiderman is moonjumping and thats oke because he paid, then other 20 jobs that are virtually useless and everyone flocks to the classic ones, so the new ones just are there for people to fuck around

fourth problem: people join darkrp for the wackiness and playing on a police state is not fucking fun, then they ask themselves why every server closes in under 3 months

fith problem: almost half of the people playing have either aimbot or wallhacks

sixthproblem: for some reason this seems to be the norm after 2014

bro I remember back in 2014 when the faggiest asshole to ever be admin, and he always was because he paid the owners like 20 euros a month to be admin and then they just gave them a blank check to be a fucking retard. So the dude does an event of killing him, I find him and kill him, 3 weeks of ban from me on christmast, no more gmod for me on the whole holidays

A good game to observe the population in

devfag (not really). what printer base are u using?

tldr: Admins can suck my 20 cm dick and they are the ones ruinning DarkRP


CS 1.6 has a lot of the same problems. Kind of sucks that these old games end up being ruined by microtransactions when they didn't even come from the game itself but player mods.

I hate faggot admins

I just got banned from a server guy was blocking me in a doorway tell guy who owns the base to shoot me I tell the guy to move he doesn't in kill him cop rdms me in report the cop admin instantly sides with the cop and i get banned for calling him out on it.

add a 7th problem. maps

They all run the SAME FUCKING MAP. I wish we had maps like rp_downtown_v2 or rp_locality. good stuff from back then

And all the servers are the same soulless shit now

define printer base, i'm using the base shit it gives me in the code to use for custom printers.

Nothing really changes with them however, they stay the same even when I attempt to change the model


Oh yeah I love css It got me into mapping and shit, discovered it throught youtube and I got instantly hooked on zombie escape/zombie mod.

There was little communityes back in 2011, no drama, it was like a town everyone knew everyone, they were all friendlyes, they were chads also I kid you not, most of them were jocks or at least average, then 2013 hitted, it got full of anime profile pics, drama arrive, people grew out of zombie escape and well, admins are now faggots too in css, they think they are some hot shit and everyone is below them and must praise whatever they are crapping thru their mouths even if its total bs

Wait are you using the darkrp printers? pretty bugged if I remember.

You'll need custom printers or code your own.

fucking hell

God that's what I hated the most about gmod. You can't fuck around without a bunch of faggots whining about rdm. I remember getting kicked from ttt servers for killing shady people who I thought were traitors and them screaming to admins about rdm.

That's another rant. What is it about admin positions that attract fucking losers? Were they all bullied as kids? Is that why 9/10 admins/mods are spergs who go on power trips?

It's old code. I used Livaco's Printers 2 and they work okay.



also nlr is fucking retarded

>native american chants intensifies

you should be glad to be off that server

Dude rdms me tho and gets away with it

Call the police then LOL?