Whole world is relatively normal apart from an anomalous zone (ie stalker)

>whole world is relatively normal apart from an anomalous zone (ie stalker)
>whole world is fucked up apart from a safe zone (ie metro)
Which is a cooler setting?

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the former because you can do anything you want inside AND outside

Depends on the execution and STALKER wins in that regard.

First of all: of the two options the first is better, because it has proper juxaposition of the strange stuff against what is normal. Contrast is important. When everything is strange, strange just becomes the new norm.
This is by the way what annoys me about things like the ending to nu-Prey, Dying Light 2 and the way they handled the story in Doom Ethernal: all of those games were desperate to raise stakes for their upcoming sequels, and ended up just declawing the threat completely.

Second of all: Metro is pretty damn awful when it comes to execution of just about every aspect: world-building, story, gameplay, it's all a mess. Even if the elements were reversed (which they kinda were, when you think about what Exodus did), it would still be the worse of the two, because they are just not very well made games.

Stalker because it has potential for something different because people smuggle shit into the zone etc. Metro tier will always be the same shit

Dying Light 2 doesn't even have a release date, what the fuck are you talking about?

The settings and general outline of the story have been already established, you moron. Nu-Prey most likely isn't even going to HAVE A sequel but they already established the premise of a potential sequel in the first game. What does release date have to do with this?

>whole world is relatively normal apart from an anomalous zone (ie stalker)
Well, except for the Chimera suddenly jumping directly to your face

Chimeras live in the anomalous zone. Outside the Zone, the world is relatively normal.

In the games, at least. In the book, it's quite a different thing all together. But then again the book is kinda shit.

I think it's easier to immerse yourself in the first one, since both you and your character have common knowledge of the real world and only now you learn and experience how different the zone is.
Also I like how everyone in STALKER except for military (though they're still doing some shady shit) are pretty much criminals or outcasts. They're all in that shit on their own accord.

STALKER, hands down.

Stalker is not a post-apocalypse game, Metro is. Stalker is just an open world horror-survival game that somehow people confuse for the former.

kek please tell me how well written and deep STALKER's """story""" goes lmao

irl zone is pretty post-apocalyptic

I don't think anyone is confusing anything: OP is merely asking which one do people prefer. Localized strange events (such as Stalker's zone, nu-Prey's Typhoon outbreak etc...) vs global strange events (such as Post-apocalyptic stories, but also grand fantasies etc...)

>kek please tell me how well written and deep STALKER's """story""" goes lmao
Are you OK there little buddy? I have never said anything of the likes. Should we worry about you?

None, both games are cringe made by incompetent slavs. Slabvoos will eat any slavshit btw

>None, both games are cringe made by incompetent slavs.
Shame you'll never fully appreciate the irony of you using the word "cringe" in that post.

Stalker is way cooler.

Are you ok?

Im 12 hours in and im still annoyed by stalker's combat (master) and im not at all invested in the game's story. Should i keep going? Or drop it out of my backlog?

Wtf metros world building is incredible. It’s the thing consistently praised, especially in 2033 and last light. The story isn’t great, but don’t fucking pretend each of those stations and tunnels isn’t incredible at setting the scene and creating the right atmosphere, especially when considered in light of the brief trips to the surface, which are also amazingly well realised. You’re full of shit.

>Wtf metros world building is incredible. It’s the thing consistently praised, especially in 2033 and last light.
No, it's not. ENVIRONMENTS are praised, because they are pretty to look at. That is a different thing all together. The world-building itself is fucking abysmal.
Metro games are amazing when you just look at everything briefly, without ever actually listening to what anyone says, or actually thinking about whenever it makes any sense or not.

Yeah sure user all anyone ever talks about with metro is how pretty it is is. Not how the little stories dotted around each station are effective at conveying the right tone or creating the right atmosphere or letting you know what life is like for the people living there. Certainly no one has ever praised the supernatural aspects and how they suggest that the world goes far deeper than just some stock post apocalyptic city. I suppose if there’s no detailed treatise on the political situation or economic system of the metro the world building is shit right? I bet you’re the same kind of person who thinks Tolkien should have gone into detail on Aragon’s taxation policy. Because that would have been good world building.

What's the best Stalker game ?

>world-building itself is fucking abysmal
explain how

>Yeah sure user all anyone ever talks about with metro is how pretty it is is.
Yeah. That is literally it. You think anyone praised how well developed and established the factions are in Metro? How much sense they make? How much thought has been made to explain inner functions, economy, social structures of the settings?

No. Everyone, including you, talks exclusively how cool it looks. The supernatural things are actually explicitly explained, which is another element of the world-building that absolutely sucks ass.

It's a remarkably beautiful game, with really neat (if very poorly designed gameplay-wise) environments, but nothing about it makes any sense. Hell, in the fucking third game they just flat out go "screw it, actually the whole world is working, we have been just intentionally avoiding you guys". It's fucking joke. Good looking, but dumb as fucking bricks.

See above.

You sound like a retard.

Powerful arguments you have there. Have you ever considered just... not posting? It will literally be more dignified than this shit.

>how much thought has been made to explain inner functions
Who cares? Actually everything is pretty much explained - factions and their relations etc.
>the supernatural things are actually explicitly explained
It's the opposite, the mystery elements are not explained at all. They just provide many different explanations to what those things could actually be but nobody knows for sure. Some give scientific explanations, some mystical or religious. One of the main points of the story (the book) is that most people in the metro are not that educated. They believe and spread all kinds of rumors without actually understanding much themselves. It's not ever confirmed who is right and who is wrong, that's why the mystery aspect is so great in Metro.
All the little stories people tell in the stations are peak worldbuilding.
>in the fucking third game they just flat out go "screw it, actually the whole world is working
Now this is where I completely agree with you. That shit is a fucking retcon and makes no sense whatsoever.

>Who cares?
Anyone who cares about world-building, you retard. That is literally what world-building means: it's the amount of care and effort invested into the speculative dimensions of the fictional settings you are establishing.
It's fine if you personally don't care about settings being well thought through: I have argued many times that world-building is actually over-rated aspect of fantastic fiction, but don't fucking claim the world-building is good if you just don't give a single fuck about it.

>It's the opposite, the mystery elements are not explained at all.
Except for the aliens, you mean? Because those are pretty fucking clearly explained to be fucking aliens. Even in the god damn books, which are by the way even worse than Strugatski's Roadside Picknick.

stalker sucks and is a clunky piece of shit with terrible gun models shooting mechanics.

STALKER had the best setting because it was truly alien and scary but also the C-Consciousness tearing a hole in reality by accident and trying to stop it by stealing people’s consciousness was a cool concept as well. The Soviets did lots of research into the noosphere.


However Metro is still a great game and the character development is definitely a lot more mature and developed. Especially Exodus.

>Am I fitting in yet?

But I do care about it and the worldbuilding is good, what are you even talking about?
You seem like that type of autist who would get triggered about the economy not being explained in Final Fantasy or something.
>those are pretty fucking clearly explained to be fucking aliens
It is never mentioned or implied that they are aliens. It was speculated that they are mutations from radiation or the next step of evolution.
In Last Light it was implied that they were some kind of experiments, created before the nuclear war.