Main character gets nerfed in the next game

>Main character gets nerfed in the next game

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just buy a gun goku

enter CHADgeta

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Is this how UI jobs?

this is it bros
after 40 years and completly changing the philosophy of the whole show VEGETA will make his grand enterence

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DBZ would have been kino if Vegeta stayed dead after Frieza killed him

Until Goku unlocks another form

the worst possible opinion ever

>teleports behind you

Dragon Ball now runs on shitty MMO logic, where the protagonist manages to kill an evil god, but in the next expansion, he starts jobbing to common mooks just because they are a higher level than him

but vegeta is basically the only good thing aboug dragon ball

dbz would have been kino if raditz had an evil son who would come to earth and kill Pan and make goku junior chase after him seeking revenge

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I don't know how you can make that claim when so many key story moments after that require him you can say he's worse after that point but there's no way to know if Dragonball would be better without him

Moro is like 1000 years old and essentially god tier with his magic fuckery.

The time of jobgeta is over.
The age of CHADgeta is upon us.

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I don't even know what the fuck is happening in this series anymore

Not this arc, I mean from Z to now, where Goku and the gang just job to some new guy only because he has a bigger power level than them. Moro seems to be a more interesting villain, where he doesn't rely on power, which causes Goku and Vegeta to focus more on technique

Space Wizard bodies the shit out of everyone without the use of brute force, but rather draining energy from everything around him.

Also Vegeta might finally get his first W

fuck goku

Quick, Vegeta, you need to get your number bigger so you can fight the big number villain!

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Moro is that lvl 1 DaS twink who bodies high level players due cheese strats.

>Also Vegeta might finally get his first W
Its cute that you guys think that

Goku is an asshole

Ultra instinct got nerfed hard as fuck in the manga already, in the anime Toei made it way too overpowered

isnt that the black hair version?
Proto UI or whatever is called

Not Canon

Name 5 games

that’s retarded but i like it

Dbz would have been kino if last arc had more slice of life or some smaller arcs. Like gohan and videl or goten trunks stuff.

Imagine living in the Dragon Ball universe, it doesnt matter how strong you are or even if you're a god, theres some rando out there that will just appear and merk you one day

b-begita-sama, please fuck chi-chi

thats the most realistic part of the series

Vegeta has a bunch of Ws, just never against the main bad guy. Android 20, Pui Pui, Frost, Cabba, that Robot from universe 6, the tournament of Power. The only close Ws he has against big bads are 2nd form Cell and Golden Freeza, which were both because he had to give into his pride, and not just wipe them out.