Was Mechwarrior 5 any good? I

Was Mechwarrior 5 any good? I

used to love MW2, 3, and 4

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>game is a total garbage it's not even worth pirating

pirate it and find out, i did at release and it was underwhelming, dunno how much its improved since then, though

>Was Mechwarrior 5 any good? I
It starts out actually fairly decent, but after few first hours you'll start to see how incredibly limited and at times just plain out badly designed it really is.

When I first pirated it, I could not believe why everyone is so annoyed about it. It really does a solid first impression, manages to be reasonably fun for maybe 10 hours even (at least from the perspective of someone who does not have much experience with previous MW games), but man does it eventually start really, REALLY falling apart.

its SNES mechwarrior with fancy graphics. No sim, no depth, no sandbox, no roleplaying. it's just arcade shooting.

I enjoyed it, but I played through the entire thing with two of my buddies in coop. We had a good time.

it's north your time. it's not worth anyone'es time. I wouldn't wish a forced playthrough of this game on anyone. my suggestion? forget about mechwarrior until it leaves pgi's incompetent hands.

The gameplay is basically MWO, so if you enjoy that you'll have fun. The story starts off strong, gets really dull, then gets good towards the end. I'm looking forward to the prospect of DLC.

>The story starts off strong, gets really dull,
It really, REALLY doesn't.
I mean: I don't mind, the story is basically my smallest gripe with MW5, but my god does the story start off awful.

spawns are fucked, ai is dogshit so the game compensates by throwing 600000 tonnes of crap at you even in 'easy' missions.

You answered your own question with the image you posted you moron.

It has the same gameplay loop as Battletech without nearly the same level of complexity that at least made that interesting to play. Considering they're persuing a policy of porting over their MWO models and then selling it I would completely avoid it.

How it Harebrained's BattleTech? I got the game as a gift and have been meaning to actually start it.

They took the better half of a decade to make a singleplayer mode for Mechwarrior: Online with 80% of the content and features stripped. Then they took fat chink cock in return for pity dollars because they knew they'd made something so shit nobody wants to play it.

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God I miss MechCommander.
Was the second one any good?

i must say the weapons pretty much ALL feel fuckawesome.

the tintro tech era was always a bit shit for fans of BIG FUCKING GUNS, due to tabletop ac5 etc all weighing way too much and doing too little, but in mw5 the ac's have fluff levels of RoF so you can doofdoofdoof hard and fast.

honest, Mad3R is so good in MW5 especially when you get tier 5 weapons, holy fuck.
>t5 lbx10 slug gun just rapes everything with its RoF

Decent, but absolute trashheap from a technical standpoint. The game's development has stopped without fixing a memory leak which had been reported at launch.
>"Well, just save often and restart the game when it starts slowing down."

lmao what
How many updates did the game have? Why did they never fix that and just kept shitting out DLC instead?

like uh, none. it got a patch? and that's it.

no DLC neither, game's dead, they're not going to fix it. the pig got greedy, jumped for epig game store cash upfront, got forced to give almost all of that money out to fanwhale tards who'd preordered in refunds they tried to weasel their way out of and then eventually flat out refused, forcing everyone to charge back, which has ruined their financial rep as now they're regarded by financial markets and institutions on the same level as a fucking cayman island bank or some shit, which is to say, not trusted at all, making it near impossible to do business, and they'll never get a lona from anyone ever.

so the money thy thought they were going to make by going epi exclusive, not only never materialised since they lost all the upfront, but no one even BOUGHT the game there, but a huge swathe of their MWO palyerbase and many of their whales quit MWO too in disgust.

so the pig pretty much committed seppuku in an attemt to chase after possible short term money.

Genuine question, when does Mercenaries 5 take place relative to the clan invasion? Before? After? Far after?

They're talking about Battletech not MW5.

I think it starts in like 3020? But the timeline progresses to 3050 and tech becomes available, but as far as I'm aware the enemies still don't use newtech.

So is it Mechwarrior 5 or is a mercenaries game?

Because they were a different thing way back.

Is there anything to scratch the itch for the old pseudo-sim MW games that isn't a million years old? Preferably with joystick support

It's trash, just replay 3 and 4

it starts in 3025 and progresses so that by the time you finish the story, if you didn't fuck around, you should be about just before the invasion.

tech progresses as you go too, so after the helm core is found tech starts to imporve, but no major tech like FF, endo or xl's or anything, just stuff like pulse lasers, gauss, lbx's

oh, HBS's battletech is just dogshit, hbs are incapable of unfucking that mess. so yea, hbs's battletech is finished now with update 1.9. no more patches etc.

and there are still massive launch day bugs.

Can’t speak for the first one. But if you’re itching for some strategic mech combat, it scratches that itch pretty well.

It doesn’t really capture any significant moments in Battletech history, since it’s more or less standard OC merc company stuff. But it is enjoyable in its own right.

yes they do, just not in large sums, you end up getting some higher tier and rarer shit in salvage from them.
its noth and none.

it is a very very terrible successor to mechwarrior 4 mercs, made by retards and idiots who are total fucking egomaniacs and incompetents.

It had huge glaring problems, chief of which was that godawful spawning system they put in place, but I had fun stomping around with my King Crab. I do wonder if they ever fixed it past December.

No. It's a lazy cash-in that killed Mechwarrior's last chance at returning as one of the heavyweights of PC gaming, and everyone involved should be thrown into a pit with starving lions.

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MW seems like a series that would work on consoles. Shame that it's dead.

>trying to make mech3 work on a modern machine

>but no major tech like FF, endo or xl's or anything
No they all exist but only on specific chassis that have them, and even then they're not represented in the actual gameplay. A mech with an XL will survive losing a side-torso.

Really? I played like 50 hours and never saw the enemy use newtech outside of the campaign missions.