Why do gamers all want feminized male protagonists so badly these days?

why do gamers all want feminized male protagonists so badly these days?

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because I want to fuck more things

Because people finally woke up that men are better than women at everything, even at being women.

Only those who already are feminine, I don't wanna see Arthur or Kratos feminized. Although there is a female Kratos concept which got my dick bigger

It's only weebs

women are vapid, disloyal whores. I'd rather take a cute boy in a dress than some roast beef slut.


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Its hot

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Just try getting a blowjob by a man. They usually are more talented at it.
Speaking from experience.

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>Just try getting a blowjob by a boi

How can I become a trap?


the rarity of a male a with natural angelic levels of beauty. theirs an endless supply of roasties and anime girls but even when they look the same the man will always be infintly better.
once mpreg technology or artificial womb machines are created women will cease to exist and will be replaced by gene altered feminized male protagnist boys. that will be a great day for the species of mankind who will abandon its lower animal nature and ascend one step closer to godhood.

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Mayhap we won't see the dawn of this era ourselves.
But I have trust in the future generations.

I want more MASCULINE, MALE characters because they are HOT.


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Because it's not gay when they are wearing the dress

let's be honest, you weren't passing off your genes gay or not.


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>lmao ur only fucking boys cause you never had a chance with a real woman like me! you'll never have this!
>points to a vag that looks like a box of cow tongues that went 10 rounds with mike tyson

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preach brother

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I'm a guy user, and all your salt just show I called it how it is.

They don't. Only faggots like you do, OP.

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These days?

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>I'm a simp
fix'd that for you, bro.

you're using that word wrong.


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Still better than trannies, although a lot of male gamers may have a masculinity problem

Howdy moshi

First time I let some dude fuck me was about 2 years ago - this was years after I had been dating girls and fell for a dude (weird). Let him fuck me after we knew each other for about a year.
I was sort of in the male's position while my buddy was banging me on his knees, hard to describe but he was pushing my legs back pretty far while I was on my back. By the time he was finished, I had so much precum on my belly and my cock was hard as a fucking rock.
I jacked off and right as I was about to orgasm, I could sense he wanted to pull out for some reason but I yelled "STAY IN ME YOU MOTHER FUCKER" and I had probably the best orgasm ever with the pressure of his cock against my prostate.
Unfortunately, we stopped hanging out and he moved away. He kinda hates me now because I went from being "Hey, let's play the vidya, eat pizza, and bone each other" when I was 18 to "Sorry, I have classes and a job, and I don't eat pizza very often. Maybe do something other than gaming next weekend?"

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You're a simp too, only difference is you're a simp for guys, which is far worse.

Art is a form of inderect expression and gay people for obvious reasons throughout most history and to this day fall into that category. There's a reason why bi/homosexuality seems to be so common among artists.

Because they want to fuck femboys.

>no you're a simp!
The absolute state of simps.

keep coping simp.

This is so stupid yet you almost sound like Plato.

>These days
>Posting examples of games from two decades ago.

Cope harder, simp-kun.

>implying gays are loyal