What's the point of remaking this other than money...

What's the point of remaking this other than money? I can understand RE:2 and RE:3 because it got rid of the fixed camera and adopted an OTS camera and gameplay. I can also understand the original RE Remake because graphics had advanced a shit load since the original, but this... This I can't understand. The original is still playable and I can't see what improvements they can make. Any ideas?

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They could turn it into a real horror game and who wouldn't want to look up Ashley's skirt in HD?

Seriously, that's all that's fueling AAA industry at the moment.

>I can understand RE:2 and RE:3 because it got rid of the fixed camera and adopted an OTS camera and gameplay.
And 50% of all the other content as well.
The DEmake2-3 were fucking garbage.

Not only that, but the zoomies already, LITERALLY find RE4 to be "2ugly & clunky to enjoy". Wish I was making this up.

why couldn't they just remake CV and actually make it good

>and actually make it good
Capcom has not made a good RE game since 2005. What makes you think they would now ?

They probably only played the first 5 minutes

She'll have trousers. Peak delusion to think Capcom wouldn't ruin her. They didn't make re3 remake into a real horror game, why bother now.


REmake disagrees.

REmake came out in 2002, kiddo.

Dooooooesn't matter. Get fucked RE4fag. Every day since the announcement I see butthurt threads like yours complaining. It's too late now, you will get the Big Remake Dick in your ass too and you will like it, mr action-paced.
Karma is a bitch.

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Only money. Its strategy to all jap developers: make 1 good thing and then copy/paste it, until market will become bloated.

REmake was released in 2002 you shit underage

I forgot the 2... REmake 2.

which was shit if you wasn't underage which shit taste

>What's the point of remaking this other than money?
what makes you think there would be a point beyond this

Money is what fuels every industry, nerd.

That was terrible, fag.

I can tell by your poor grammar and expletives that your opinion should be held in high regard

Cant wait For REmake4 be Another disapointment only to cement FPS RE Chads as the New fanbase.Maybe in RE10 they bring back tank controls and fixed câmeras for the nostalgia bait.

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Oh well, I enjoy it a lot.

>zoomies LITERALLY
sorry to burst your bubble grandpa but I went back to re4 recently and it is slow and clunky. I'm still gonna beat it but u kno what? I'm also gonna buy the remake and really like it

shouldve been code veronica
a game that is borderline unplayable in 2020
re4 on the other hand is still a great game

Good for you. I didn't, and I waited nearly 2 decades for this crap to come out.

I'm a re4fag and I couldn't be happier. I've probably beaten the game like 8 times now on 3 different consoles and a phone. Can't wait to see a reimagining cause it's getting kinda boring now.

what do you enjoy in 2020 old man aside from bitter complaining that life has passed you by


They're doing it because RE8 is already going to have European village and castle assets and human zombies. Cheaper development to put out a game that we all know we sell a baseline of several million on the title alone.

See, I know they would do it, but it wouldn't actually make any sense. Ashley is a useless civilian who was kidnapped. She has zero story reason to wear practical tacticool clothing.

>what do you enjoy in 2020 old man
Good games.

Attached: Top games of 2010s - 3x3.jpg (920x920, 372K)


bait image
bait poster

Does't even have to be tacticool, could be a pair of jeans. Nu Capcom just don't want to deal with the idea of up-skirts let alone keep it in.

I mean, yeah her alt costume has pants but it also has prime cleavage to balance it out. I'm sure that'd be taken out too.

The default is now the knight costume.

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My wife says "hi!".

Eat shit, zoomie homo.
DS is easily 2019's GOTY, and best Kojima's game since MGS3.

Attached: her 3x3 games v2019.jpg (898x900, 343.78K)