What the fuck were they thinking?

>looks and plays like a 2008 chinese mmo
>releases 10 years later after people stopped giving a shit
>doesn't resemble PSO: Episode 1 & 2 in the slightest besides sharing some lore

How come they mismanaged this franchise so bad? Monster Hunter is proof that people want these type of games.

Attached: PSO2.jpg (1280x720, 207.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this series is way better than the piece of shit shovelware monster hunter series. go fuck yourself, turbo incel

nice troll. you can't be serious. PSO2 is like a delayed tumor.

if thats pso2 then monster hunter is like ongoing active ass cancer. im not even a pso2 fanboy, psu is the best one. but mh is just a garbage piece of shit clunky series with a terrible loop and always will be that.

>chinese mmo from 10 years ago looks and plays like a chinese mmo from 10 years ago

>looks and plays like
I don't think you've played any chinese mmo's user.

We are not even getting all those collabs it had. Literally dead on arrival.

I played lots of episode 1 and 2 when I was young and I'll be playing this for nostalgia, fully expecting it to be pure shit. It will be great. Hope it has some nostalgic stuff like episode 2 had with the soundtrack

>bunch of weeby shit colabs
I'm more frustrated that we couldn't at least get a rewrite. Literally PSO2 is an isekai anime. Fucking going to Japan, mighting mecha train bullshit and VR police cars.

That episode is what lead me to fucking quit the JP version.

Attached: CANNED CHEES!.gif (640x434, 1.42M)

Why not just joined Ephinea. Episode 4 is released on it.

Attached: PSO 04.jpg (1920x1080, 716.21K)

>haha i cant be naruto and persona 5 man, this game is literally dead uwu XD

Because pso has aged like hell and sucks to play now

Attached: 1545031660241.png (644x1148, 72.18K)

>has aged
So you're underage who just wants to pretend that it's nostalgia? Because I played this shit first on DC and the on the GC and I'm playing it again on Ephinea. And it plays just fine. If fact I wish more games would let me use the damn camera adjust that PSO uses, over being forced to keep a finger on the thumb stick at all times.

>all these people waiting for PSO2 to drop
>they don't know the shit show that is post episode 4


Oh, it's going to be fun seeing the reaction to this garbage.

You dumb nigger cuck. I have more than twice your play time on pso. You dont even remember schthack handing the keys over to crono114 and watching the slow decay from his lack of care. Culminating up until one day when he gave so little fucks, the server died and he had no backup of the data. Years of data lost just like that. And how his douchebag squad like corey and lee treated everyone like shit. I was one of the first on the ephinea exodus and quit after getting to 150 with a racast. Because all end game pso is spamming your charge vulcan/arms/slicer with freeze traps while a force is your buff bitch and spamming max attack a million times and getting one level every 5 runs. Runs that take 30 minutes. Youre the dumb underage faggot pretending to be le epic hardcore old school man when the sequels brought so many quality of life updates and increased the action and difficulty. In the rare event youre not a zoomer, its time to move on gramps. Pso had its day, but 20 years later, its time to rest

nice pasta

I had a level 180 on schthack, but it got deleted. I might still play if the server didnt get wiped.

Attached: pso1force.png (1374x795, 1.41M)

Pasta LMFAO. You got btfo by an actual veteran and plug your ears and stomp your feet in response. Look man if you want to run ttf and ma4c 4000 more times for an excal or red ring thats never gonna drop, you be my guest.

>I spent 4000000 hours playing a game
>said game is shit
It's either pasta, or you are 100% a retard.

Whats your point? Mine is that pso was good but started aging rapidly more and more since ill say about 2011. There is no reason to play it when psu clementine, psp2 infinity, and pso2 are a thing now. The sequels only improve and add more things and the only thing lost in transition is the atmosphere. You dont even play the series, youre just a dumb pso faggot with rose tinted goggles since you got to caves 3 once as a kid on your gamecube. Do you even have any unique opinions of your own or do you depend on v to give you all your thoughts?

>was good
No, your original state was not.
>Because pso has aged like hell and sucks to play now

>weeby shit collabs bad in weeby shit game

It was good. It has aged considerably and its sequels have only made it more outdated. What do you not get?

>no reason to play when PSO2 is a thing
As someone with about 700 hours into PSO2. Fucking no. Post Episode 4 is just literal trash tier. You fucking go into a coma, wake up with Earth as a zone, fight helicopters, tanks and zombie humans. And then 5 is just you fighting in fudal japan, and 6 is literally a filler episode.


I love PS1 and PS4 and I played tons of PSO, but I really regret the design direction since PSO. This shit is fucking atrocious.

Sega was just thinking of the cheque Microsoft gave them.

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Who cares about the story in 99% of games? That shit is just an excuse to have new areas and enemies. I dont care what or how it got to the point if it means you get to fuck up zombies and helicopters. Building a skill tree alone is more fun than anything in pso in 2020

Literal Goal post

Thats true. MMOs are just interactive chat rooms. You play them for the community.

I used to play until I realised I don't give a shit about other gamers. The only multiplayer game I like in this gen was Death stranding- and that's because you don't hear or see other players.

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You shouldnt use words if you dont fully understand them. I dont remember a single thing from psos story. I dont know how or what the fuck you were doing in mines. Or why the temple and spaceship are vr. Or the history of the seabed. They are just cool areas with new enemies to pop open and collect their weapons and exp like a pinata. I actually kind of remember psus story because the premise was cool with racial tensions leading to different planets with their own culture and aesthetics, old relics sites with secret technology, a festival celebrating 100 years since the gurhal civil war. The characters are kind of retarded but the events are interesting. Pso2s story is a disaster, just cutscenes duct taped together. I will never give a fuck about matoi, or the lilipans, or quna wanting a model of haddreds dick to make a dragon dildo followed by her singing in a concert. THE STORY DOESNT MATTER AND IS JUST EXCUSES FOR NEW ENVIRONMENTS AND ENEMIES

At this point, I'm certain you have autism.

You can call me anything you like but in this thread im superior to you because i actually know the series im talking about and thats related to this thread. You dont care about phantasy star and are just a run of the mill typical bitter incel that gets irrationally mad at new games/sequels and just circle jerks the original one. Despite not knowing shit about it either lmao. Its as simple as ive played these games and know what im talking about, and you havent. Call me autistic, then close your browser, then go to a chink restaurant and get coofed on, then die faggot

Yup, That's pure autism.