The original strand type gameplay... incredible

The original strand type gameplay... incredible

Attached: TLOU4.webm (896x504, 2.9M)

woah... spoopy..

Physics.... incredible...

Attached: TLOU4.webm (896x504, 2.74M)

Greatness... awaits

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Say it with me: 4. the. players!

One of the things I hated about this game. Stupid immersion breaking ai

It's a good thing there was a board just big enough to cross that gap conveniently nearby.

this was the what really made me hate the game

towards the end there was a part in some caves where as soon as the level loaded up ellie would sprint off and stir up a shit storm that i had to fight instead of sneaking through. i had to put the game down for a week, it was more frustrating than most MP games i've played.

Just amazing

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Immersive and realistic

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High quality animations and AI

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Unless it was a scripted instance that I don't remember the AI is programmed to completely ignore your companions stealth wise.

desu i don't play games like TT TWD, Spec Ops, and this for the gameplay, all of them have are mediocre in that aspect. Played and liked them for their stories

after playing half life alyx all of this shit and practically every other game seems so archaic and trivial in comparison

He was probably not crouching in which case the AI wont ignore your companions

OOps forgot webm

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Eh at least the graphics are good eh naughty bros?

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Just kidding, lol

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Attached: The_Last_of_Us_Remastered_20190928171834.webm (720x404, 2.83M)

I really wish the game wasn't made on PS3 first. It feels like that really holds back the game, and now that we have a PS4 developed entry it feels like the developer has his head up his ass despite some combat improvements.

Just one word "Crunch"
TLOU2 gonna be even more shit than the first one

Wow I knew Koji was a hack.

Haven't gotten that far yet but fucking lol

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it was the sewer level and it was bugged. the ai companion would run ahead, i wouldnt even move yet, and the infected would come right at me,

I've never played this game but these make it look interesting. I thought it was a cinematic AAA borefest but it looks pretty janky and soulful.

dont assosciate Death Stranding; a competent game, with this feckless pile of broken horse shit.

It's legitimately clunkier than Gothic 2 and almost as buggy as a bethesda game

Attached: TLOU12.webm (896x504, 2.89M)

For those who haven't played it, this part takes place after you meet up with Ellie and she's supposed to be with you... except she completely disappeared in my game and didn't reappear until I interacted with the scripted door at the top. Legitimately hilarious because Tess was talking by herself and you couldn't hear Ellie

Attached: TLOU13.webm (896x504, 2.91M)

Oh lol
Okay sorry

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I always loved how Joel finds the stick with a pair of fucking scissors duct taped to it here and you gain the ability to "craft" it. Like he must think to himself "dang that right there's a good idea I never thought of that before"