How come no one likes Aerith?

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What u mean

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She's in the same game as Tifa, arguably the most popular vidya waifu ever. Even worse, she's the rival for the MC. She was doomed from the start. At least for the male half since girls apparently like her more.

Tifa and old Lara Croft have been giving boomers stiffies since the 90’s. Aerith is just that dead chick.

Cause shes a "flower" girl aka a literal whore while Tifa is wholesome childhoood friend tomboy.

shes not a tomboy retard

Yas Forums only like prepubescent girls because of pic related

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She's too nice.

Like gratingly so.

Aeries > Aerith

I like her. Not my favorite but she's nice.

The remake made me like her a lot, its a shame her proper introduction is during the most boring part of the game and doesn't get any better until the honeybee inn

Her rose dress is really good but I like this one more

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I feel like her appeal is too basic. I still would, but the rampant thirst of Jessie just does it for me

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How do i beat the house boss on hard mode bros

God im so fucking bored of this game right now, i just got to Aeris's house and holy shit am I fucking bored.


>a woman with breasts that huge isn't a whore

lol I'll believe dragon monsters and giant cactus people but that's just bullshit

>falling for Jessie and her thottery

no, this is aeries

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In the original, she came off as a good girl with a bit of sass. In Remake, they doubled down with autism and uguu anime poses. She comes off as one of those annoying anime fangirls.

Not ashamed

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pizza girl, in more ways than one.
I love her

Tits too small.

She's a whore and also evil.
>only reason the party killed the Time Jannies was because of her

anything more than a handful is a waste

tranny jawline and a cuck

uhm i like her way more than tifa or the other desperate girl.
She is witty and pushes back on cloud and is the first to open him up.

all the girls in this game do shit like this, but this movement is something a western girl would never do

Jessie puts her boobs on clouds back during the bike chase, I prefer her

She was kinda ruined after Crisis Core showed that she was Zack's woman. I mean it was a nice twist back in the day but nobody wants to ship her with Cloud anymore.

should be, wedge even warned you she a hoe

user i'm pretty sure she talked about zack to cloud in the original

Plenty of people like her.
Tifa is only popular because of big tits, that's it

>listning to wedge "I prefer my pussy to have 4 legs"
yeah that's a no from me.

Brother, I'm just here for the shitposting. I've never even played a Final Fantasy game. Jessie is the cutest, so I go with Jessie. Simple as.

Jessie is who you have a one night stand/fling
Tifa is who you have a good long meaningful time but a messy breakup that
Aerith is the one you marry in the end using experiences you learned from the first two.

Yeah but CC showed how much Zack was the original and her relationship with Cloud just a cheap copy of that.