FF7 Remake Hypothetical

Let’s say that—against all odds—Square Enix pulls a Rise of Skywalker and tries to undo all the crazy shit in the Remake after hearing about all the backlash.
What would they have to do to steer future installments back towards the actual original story of the PS1 game?
RE-Remake the Remake?
Pull the ol’ “It was a dream/vision” schtick?
Have two entirely different Remake series running adjacent to each other, where one is a faithful retread, and the other is Nomura’s playground?

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I hope ffs that they dont retcon anything.
I want Nomura to do his potato writing so i can later laugh at all the shillers.

>Have two entirely different Remake series running adjacent to each other, where one is a faithful retread, and the other is Nomura’s playground?

God this would unironically be so cool, It's a shame It'll never happen. Imagine a Dragon Quest XI-esque FF7Remake from start to finish or something along those lines...kino.

Nevertheless, they'll do something, they have to, It's Final Fantasy 7, they will have to adhere to the backlash the same way Star Wars did.

>Let’s say that—against all odds—Square Enix pulls a Rise of Skywalker and tries to undo all the crazy shit in the Remake after hearing about all the backlash.
There's nothing to undo, that story is over and as a result there are now a bunch of FF7 timelines that Squeenix can use or ignore at their leisure.

There will be no FF7 Remake 2. The characters from Remake 1 are dead. Cloud literally got sent to the creation of the universe.
The characters you see just before the fade to black are from a new timeline where the time ghosts never existed,

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Desperately trying to change the story to appease autistic fanboys is a bad idea. It didnt work for Justice League, it didnt work for Star Wars and it wont work for FF7R

>another muh rise of the skyshit star wars shit muh last jedi muh le last jedi again xD muh star wars xD jj abrahams xD
Yas Forums is on the other way

Hey man, I was just trying to think of a clear example, and TLJ seemed to be the most comparable to FF7R in terms of fan outrage.

Again: there's nothing to undo. The story doesn't continue from here. It's over.

Any future ff7 titles aren't bound by old canon, that's all.

I was actually hoping there would be FF7 sequels once Remake was finished (this is when I was working on the assumption Remake would be a remake a la the RE1 remake and not what it has turned out to be). As it is now we're just going straight to sequel territory.

there is no backlash

Get a load of this fag

This entire game was a meta argument for not doing a faithful remake and the majority of players think they've won that argument. Part two will now sell more than it would have if it was just a recreation of the original. People want to know what's gonna happen next.

Keep crying, it's really satisfying

>Square Enix pulls a Rise of Skywalker and tries to undo all the crazy shit in the Remake after hearing about all the backlash.
The isn't nearly as big an outcry over this as there was over TLJ.

>after hearing about all the backlash.
You mean Yas Forums sperging like a bunch of autists as usual while nobody else outside gives a fuck? lmao

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>Rise of Skywalker sucked.
>TLJ set up a way more interesting universe.

It's a good metaphor because if anything ROS showed that truncating your universe to adhere to source material is fucking awful. They never should've bothered with the time jannies in the first place. If you're going to write a new story, just do that. Focus on a solid narrative and a cohesive story.

Sure, they won't just watch a stream to make sure they don't spend money on Kingdom Hearts 4: FF7, it's impossible to find out what's happening if you don't buy the game.

Shillboys falling deeper into cognitive disonance as Nomura squirts story diarrhea all over them. With a blank stare that indicates no intelligent life they say.

>Sir may i have another

Nomura will write and direct the next game and he’ll do the same thing he did between KH 1 and 2. Add even more insane bullshit until he writes himself into a corner, doesn’t do part 3 until people are screaming at him and then it’ll be a disappointing conclusion because he’ll have lost all his motivation and doesn’t know what to do anymore.

I'm pretty sure Nomura was that kind of kid that set his toys on fire when he got bored of them.

Pretty sure he set his toys on fire before he got bored of them.

Possible, he seems like that type of guy who just wants to see things go up in flames.

The backlash from all 4 people in Yas Forums?

Damn, you’re probably right. I’ll add to it and say he’ll probably distract himself with a KH spinoff for the next few years, pissing even more people off that KH takes precedent over FF7R.

There's no way Square's gonna let him do that. They'll take him off the project just like with FFXV if it takes too long.

>when you have a game known for it's story so you change it completely
literally why is every single company completely retarded?

Some hacks just want to see the world burn

>after hearing about all the backlash.
Whats it like in that cynical bubble of yours?

Time jannies are you faggots that will screech about anything that's slightly different from the original
Nomura is a visionary genius that doesn't care about you, hence why the time jannies (you) are dead now. He's killed the old game and let something new, something even greater take it's place as the pinnacle of jrpgs

It is not known for it's story. It's plot was always convoluted and full of plot holes. It was known for the characters, the materia system, and the revolutionary cutscenes.

>something even greater
I don't think it's trying to be better. It's trying to separate itself in a way that adds to the original rather than replace it.

Never buying anything made by square enix again if possible is a good start. Stopping friends and family and never getting kids anything from them.

When almost every review isn’t discussing what comes next and instead is either “this ending sucks” or “was good until the ending”, I’m pretty sure SE will take notice.

>visionary genius
Oh fuck i just puked a bit.

Fresh from Japan:
>"When I spoilered my friend about Aerith, he got angry with me. Isn't that well-known?"

>Friend: "I have been playing FF7R, and..."
>Me: "I would have liked it to go up to about Aerith's death."
>Then he freaked out and went home saying he didn't know Aerith was dying. That I had spoilered him.
>Isn't it well-known that Aerith dies?

What's the situation like in the West?
Do Zoomers seriously not know about her fate?