Do you remember me? I was the Pokemon Killer

Do you remember me? I was the Pokemon Killer

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Was better than pokemon that's for sure

>X-killerfails to kill X
Their biggest mistake was not being child friendly enough.

It's been better if the running animation didn't make everyone look like they had fucking down syndrome while every customization option was a neutral gender shit show

good riddance

the only thing trannies can kill is themselves.

Holy shit you people truly get triggered very easily, dang

People with functioning brain will complain about gameplay decisions, graphics or other similar things that actually matters.

Room temperature IQ retards will see meaningless stuff like neutral pronoun and focus only on that.

Same stuff happened with Battletech - pretty solid game that couldn't be discussed on Yas Forums because said "they". It didn't matter at all, nobody sane cared about that but Yas Forums acted like if it was whole game content.

You are obsessed and retarded. All of you.

I remember it being shilled to death

SJW infestations inevitably lead to errors in game design or other similar critical functions. Stop pretending this isn't a trend. You're not even making money shilling for these fags, just cut it out.

>pretty solid

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Oh weird a knock off of a game that's based mostly around nostalgia failed to capture the audience. What a shocker.

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Garbage low-tier 2nd world art direction and it's otherwise an incredibly grindy EA MMO. Why would anyone ever. Sword and Shield is unironically still better than this.

How's the game now? I avoided it cause trannies, do someone still play?

>please daddy shove more lgbt propaganda into my games.

The numbers aren't too bad considering how stupid looking and boring the game seemed. It's no 30k+ like the first couple weeks, but over 2k is some serious staying power for an early access online indie game that isn't super mainstream like Stardew Valley or Terraria.

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Except everyone DID complain about the gameplay of Them/Them, but you conveniently choose to focus on just the political bitching because your reddit-spacing ass is butthurt that nobody playing with you.

Part of it is just blind hate of something that is inarguable stupid (they/them pronouns), but there is a point to bitching about it. Just like in animal crossing, taking away gender specific pronouns really takes away a lot of personality and charm that would be there otherwise. When I'm playing Animal Crossing and one of my villagers mentions my second character and they don't use her/she pronouns and only use they/them, you feel like the villagers really don't know shit about her, not even what she identifies as. It's like when you don't want to gender someone because you don't know what their gender is, you always use they/them, but instead, these people live 5 steps away from her and still won't call her a her. It ruins the immersion and makes everything feel like a cheap charade with a LGBTQ+ veiled curtain in the way of what would be an otherwise worthwhile experience. The whole game is about interacting with your villagers too, it's such a shame.

>No singleplayer mode
Cant imagine why it died so quick. Still better than that hot garbage S&S though

get this trannyshit out

Whoever was the monster designer really needs to work on their use of color.

Was the porn atleast good?
Can't say it's a pokemon killer if the porn isn't good

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>Noooooo shut up already I just want to spread my propaganda how am I supposed to do it with you goddamn bigots constantly calling me out?
You're not fooling anyone, tumblrina.

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2000 ERPing trannies and furries, what else can they do in that unfinished piece of trash game

Pretty good game. Loved the focus on double battles and the use of stamina. The monster designs aren't as good as pokemon for the most part, but that's also true for pokemon. Was pretty upset when I reached the end of early access. The way they let you know was pretty obnoxious. Not really multiplayer though unless you count seeing other people run around as multiplayer.

Has that ever happened to a series?

Did they ever add chat to this mmo?

>down to 2k players
oh boy that died quickly

Yes. Fortnite was originally known as the "PUBG killer" and eventually superseded the game. Shit game in a shit genre, but an example of an "X-Killer" actually succeeding.

it only succeeded because of retarded kids

>Fortnite was originally known as the "PUBG killer"
Wasn't the battle royal aspect added much later? I'd be more interested to see a game designed to take another game's user base actually succeeding.

Your brain is damaged from deep-state conspiracy rot. How can you fags believe "get woke go broke" and "SJW shill money" at the same time?

>How can you fags believe "get woke go broke" and "SJW shill money" at the same time?
Find me someone who believes both of these things and I'll explain to you why they do.