Does it get better or worse after the chainsaw fight?

Does it get better or worse after the chainsaw fight?

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Its still good until after tou face Marguerite,then it get worse.I personally love the boat part but its not a popular opinion.

Better, beginning is atmospheric but it was just too "what the fuck is this" for me to enjoy.

Everything in the mansion is great. The rest is a steady downhill with some highlights.

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What a fucking annoying cunt she was.

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Up to Marguerite it's still great, but it starts to decline after that.

Boat part is actually decent but it's sandwiched between two shitty parts, one of which includes the climax.

What's wrong with the boat anyways

Also there's nothing wrong with the caves.
Of course it's going to be pure action since it's the climax.

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I wish you could skip the "what happened" VHS.

Where does Boxing Hobbo with robot arm fit in this graph?

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Chad hobo is almost like a different game cause you can steamroll the enemies.

Ignoring the fact that it's an underground mine that somehow manages to not be flooded in the bayou, structurally it's the most realistic modern mine I've seen in a game. It has proper ventilation systems and spray concrete and drop-proofing meshes in the ceiling. Not the 19th century shit with wooden beams like what you see in westerns and cartoons.

the caves were finally completed for the 'not a hero' dlc

Boxing hobo is a straight line at the bottom at all times. Christopher is a straight line at the middle that has a tiny tail up in the end. Except on hard difficulty. That's a straight line miles below the graph.


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Worse as in you go from a 9/10 game to a 7.5/10 game.

the fuck?

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Best game of all time, extremely satisfying.

She just need some good daddy loving and she would be fine.

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The entire game is good, except maybe the last cave section which is just annoying but is not unlike the end of other RE games

Huh I never consider that, I just assumed all the white stuff was salt.

I felt bad for her, she was crazy but it wasn't her fault.
Its like Lisa Trevor, she is a murderous monster, but the real monster is Man.

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I just wanted to give her the D.

Imo the cunny you get at the end makes any hardships you face along the way well worth it.

To Lisa? she is a little old and ugly and rotten and deformed and insane for my tastes.


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worse but the farm and torture shit part was cool

Its an illusion user, she is also old, ugly, rotten and insane.

You know who isn't though? Weirdly cute trailer trash girl.

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Lucas's part felt half-baked and No Hero feels like the original intended section that they didn't have time to finish for release.

loli illusion stil better than real old hag

She becomes a fungus girl at the end though

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And she gets cured and after that she just has an anime hair color

Only time she was actually cute.

This looks about right. It's a shame really. The opening 2-3 hours is so good.

Probably the definitive example of a Resident Evil frontloading all its good content and just throwing whatever into the back half of the game

I have a feeling that the ship and mines were added after they completed the house and realized the game was only 4 hours long.