He will never be given the same status like Mozart or Beethowen

>He will never be given the same status like Mozart or Beethowen
Why? He's been composing music for video games like since 86. How the fuck is it possible hes not listed on as the greatest composers of all time?
Literally fuck these jews kikes this man deserves some credit for hes work.

Attached: Nobuo_Uematsu.jpg (248x355, 33.87K)

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There are jews in Japan?

Globally you piece of shit fuck dip nigger.
>But waaah he only composes FF music
Fucking kill yourself you fat ass faggot.

he makes baby music, it's literally just a few notes arranged in a catchy way it's not bad but comparing him to mozart is dumb

you can fucking kill yourself you worthless piece of nigger puke

uematsu is highly overrated compared to shoji meguro, hirokazu ando, and the falcom band.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you take your pills?

mozart died in poverty. he's doing alright, user

In Japan they use his music to teach at public and music schools, he is pretty well recognized and respected and he is considered to be one of the best composers to have ever been born in the country.

I prefer his pupil Soken

But he is?

it literally stated he didnt get in

>How the fuck is it possible hes not listed on as the greatest composers of all time?
When most of your work is shamelessly ripping off The Queen, ELP or other prog rock bands, it's hard to take you seriously as a composer.

not him but there is a finite amount of melodies and chord progressions you can do in music which has been around for thousands of years. We were/are gonna run out of oc eventually


Did people listen to the Kuja millennium theme and not think We Will Rock You ripoff?

>literally 90% are jews and 9% is slavic rabble

>He will never be given the same status like Mozart or Beethowen
I hate weebs.

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Take your pills and go to bed

It means he's respected enough to get nominated

We personally won't ever know if he'll be held top the stature. Until we're all dead and generations pass and his music remains relevant it won't be known if he's as important. Just be happy you're around when he's alive and you get to experience his music as he makes it.

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Spoken like a pleb that doesn't know the difference between influence and plagiarism.

in a fucking jewish circle wank? hes literaly there only for cultural enrichment

>not him but there is a finite amount of melodies and chord progressions you can do in music which has been around for thousands of years
Is that why he's coincidentially ripping off music from only 50 years ago? And all of that being rock/prog rock?
The most "elegant" rip off in his career has been Carl Orff, the rest is fucking dad rock everyone with some basic culture about music can recognize, the dude literally partnered with Ian Gilian for god's sake.

Go listen to other JP composers such as Hamauzu, Ito or Asakura if you want talented people that don't just plain ripoff the beatles and such, this is so fucking embarassing.

His theft of existing music throws a shade on his other compositions. Who can tell if his whole career isn't build on stealing obscure compositions that we just don't know about?

Because his chops are not nearly as refined. He composes largely in the pop tradition, not the art music tradition.

This is coming from an enormous Uematsu fan. Once society realizes in retrospect that Japanese video games have been (ironically) one of the only bastions of non-degenerate Western ideals in our time, he will be remembered just fine for his contributions.

>jewish circle wank
>cultural enrichment
>jews kikes
>bastions of non-degenerate Western ideals

Attached: pooh_a_la_normal.gif (320x287, 982.3K)

t literal jew
remember jew that you fear the SAMURAI

>same status as mozart and beethoven
care to enlighten me on how uematsu is nearly as influential or innovative as those two? why should we pay attention to him compared to other contemporanean/similar time period classical composers like stockhausen, boulez, reich, adés, sakamoto?
i mean he's not bad but there are a lot of more interesting composers out there, and comparing him to beethoven, mozart, bach is just laughable

Attached: bob.jpg (507x515, 44.13K)

What do you call this, then? youtu.be/Vcxw0UFyxi0?t=194

>care to enlighten me on how uematsu is nearly as influential or innovative as those two?
He's influenced entire generations to search out classic music because of his game works.

>overrated literalwho nip
>mentioned in the same breath as fucking Beethoven or Mozart
jesus dude

It's a real shame.
I've been listening to his music outside of playing the games for years now.
Actually, I've had the rare opportunity to see this man perform in person. He played the piano part in the 'world of ruin' theme from Final Fantasy VI.
He's very humble about his work. Even though he's a skilled keyboard player, he gets embarrassed playing in front of people.
Also, he rocks a nice mustache.

That's influencing people and fans, not the direction or evolution of music itself.

>implying bethowen was known as much as now when he was alive

Guess he did a poor job if his fans can still only think of names like Mozart and Beethoven

yes. He was the old timey equivalent of a rockstar

why do you care

Telemann who cares, I'm going Chopin with a Liszt so I'll be Bach.

Most of those composers are canonized the way they are because super wealthy banking families preserved their works through the course of history. You can do the same. Just go off and start a Nobuo Uematsu music hall and museum, see that it weathers a number of catastrophic wars, and have your kids maintain it for the next 300 years.

I care because i love him so much if he would tell me to kill myself i would.