Play Tera

Play Tera.

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coomers are the most pitiful little maggots


is this FFXIV one those dragon chicks?

Not inhuman enough.

>literal reddit cucks

Is it even fun though?

No, i dont think i will.


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you're 8 years late

I dont play games whose only selling point are creepy bimbos

ok coomer

This "game" is for discord trannies that do ERP

>Cartoon spring sound
>Eyes pop out
>Tongue rolls down like a carpet
>Car horn noises


i'm not a coomer

You will never be a woman

Anyone else noticed how the coomer meme only started after sony went full commiefornia and started censoring games?

It's a literal discord tranny psy-op to repress male sexuality.

I would but I kinda don't like the interface. Is there a way to change it? Also, how the fuck do I find the de-censoring mods?

sounds perfect for me, thank you for the recommendation user :)

Unironically ask the discord trannies.

>implying there aren't enough reddit trannies in this thread

Ah nice, thanks senpai.

Tried it on ps4 but its fucking dead and had shitty framerates so I think I will pass

Actually wait, there's no general up, you lying shit.

its a deepstate psyop created by billgates so china and israel can control the world so less white babies are being made

You guys know that isn't Tera, right?

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What is it then? I need to coom.

This but unironically.

>post 1 million threads a day about women's fashion in video games
ok coomer

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me like bum bum me spend money

But trannies are just next level coomers. It's why so many of them kill themselves after they neuter themselves and lose their libido and realise they made a mistake.

Male Amani brawler out yet?

It's FF14 with some modded bits. That's a female Au Ra in the OP.

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That's a castanic from tera, you dumb fuck.

I'm sorry but who even wastes their precious time on this earth like those people?