Is this a good time to build a PC?

is this a good time to build a PC?
I don't really have more than 800€ to spend on it

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I dunno, memory prices are still high

What's your current gaming setup? What do you want from PC? Emulation, top AAA in good quality, competitive online games?

You can build one for 800 Merkel sheckels, sure, but don't expect RDR2/other AAA powerhouses in ultra quality.

>What's your current gaming setup?
a PS4, I mainly play fighting games but I'd play some counter strike too or shit like that I don't care much about jerking off looking at how much fps I can get in rdr2 ultra settings

get a onex for 300 euro and actually enjoy gaming

What's the deal with hard drive prices? Are they going through some post-tsunami price-gouging shit right now or something?
I need a (good) hard drive with a lot of storage (so no SSD) and I've always used WD Blacks and they've always been reliable, and because they have a 5 year warranty, but a 4tb drive has been stuck at $170 since thanksgiving, and it just went up to $199.
I just want reliable storage, bros.

every time I look into pc gaming, it makes less and less sense

There was a sale on cpu's a few days ago on amazon, should've used that.

Also 800€ is enough for a high end PC.

Most competitive games are super toaster friendly. So I'd suggest looking at something like Ryzen 3400g. It's a processor with integrated video card, so you don't need pay for separate GPU. This way you can get pretty good system for cheap and buy a good dedicated GPU later.

It's more than enough for 140+ fps in competitive games/indies/retro. See this benchmark for example:

Wait for the Fall when hopefully the new GPUs come out

Current generation is a joke

>prices go through the roof especially on hard drives and GPUs

wait a couple months theres new gpus and new ryzen coming out soon, I'd recommend going with the next amd card coming out and the next ryzen

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The next generation of AMD desktop CPUs launches this autumn. I would probably wait until then, but the new GPU launches are probably not happening until next year, so options right now are kinda shit (RTX is overpriced, AMD's high end cards have recurring issues for some users, the GTX 1660 variants can't keep up with newest games).

I have had a 5700xt since launch and haven't had any crashing since december so I think its all sorted now

Don't build a PC if you can only spend 800€ on it.
At least be ready to spend around 1300€ if you're gonna build a PC.

you can build a high end machine for that tho

is this good for 900€?

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That's the thing, while they do work for most it doesn't help the people who are having the issues.

>don't buy a car unless it's a ferrari
This is what console players believe.

No you're gonna pay 800€ for just a high-end GPU

Don't listen to this retard. The beauty of PC is you can build as powerful or weak as you want and still have a ton of games to play

I'd wait until the global economic crisis is over and tech prices fall down again

>2400MHz memory
Those low clocks are literally going to gimp your framerate in games.

Doesn't seem like it. Prices never really recovered from the crypto boom. You can probably get a prebuilt for a good price but the GPU they give you will be pretty garbo.

New Nvidia graphics cards coming out in august, new big Navi coming out soon, new intel CPUs real soon, new amd CPUs in the fall. Quit being poor and make a decision

Why are Ryzen 2600 prices so high? They were like $120 a few months ago. Now they're almost as much as a 3600.

>amd GPU
don't user trust me
get a 1660 Super its all you need

I'd drop HDD altogether and get bigger SSD but otherwise it looks fine. Also, just pirate Windows 10.

>New Nvidia graphics cards coming out in august
No, they are not. Stop spreading this lie.

it's a prebuilt PC

If you don't want to spend over 800€ on a PC you should just buy a console.

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It's about what you can expect to pay these days for it. It is what it is. Getting a 600w PSU for a 5700 though is slicing it pretty thin. As someone who has gone through probably 4 PSUs in his life, trust me when I say you want to get a little padding on the wattage. AMD recommends 700w for that card but I think you should be fine with 650w.

Yes they are.

y'know what I'll stick to my PS4

you can get a 5700xt for half of that

do not buy a prebuilt

Yeah but 5700xt isn’t high end

That explains the RAM bottleneck.

its almost on par with a 2070 super and price/performance is much higher than rtx

>Cheaper games
>Get to use the control method of your choice
>Don't pay for online
>Gets almost all games these days
>'Dude just buy a console'

Are you one of those idiots who overpaid for a mediocre RTX card that's shit at the very thing it was designed to do?

there's only ever been one bad time, and that was the year of crypto faggotry

every other time has been good - if you need one
literally when was the last game-changer that would have made it a bad time? The advent of SSDs? They went for so much back then you wouldn't buy one anyway short of a 64GB for OS boot, and what's that today. Not even good for a doorstop, door goes right over.

There's nothing wrong with buying prebuilts these days. That caveat is strictly for stuff like Alienware or Origin where they buttfuck the rich for being ignorant. Normal prebuilts though can be great starting points for someone wanting to switch to PC.

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If you don't mind components from BONGQUIX or whatever is the cheapest component on amazon this week.

god why do they need to shove those ugly ass lights in everything

the people who make these are not getting shit from amazon or any normal retail store. They usually have some kind of access to manufacturer prices on parts.

Maybe in your country but I doubt it. I actually worked in local hardware shop I was in uni and prebuilds were pretty much a scam. Sure, they had decent CPUs and GPUs but everything else was the cheapest possible option. It means office motherboards, unknown chinese PSUs, shit memory and so on.

I will never recommend prebuild for someone who is new to PC gaming.