Modern Warfare PC cheaters

Why can't PC players play fair? you already have the mouse/keyboard advantage. Pretty sad that incels get rejected in online gaming too. Grow up.

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Oh fuck off consoletard
you get aim assist, so should I.

>PC players are so much better at playing just due to using KB+M that consolefags count it as cheating

I've had people shooting me from under the map didn't know you could pull that off with KB+M

Never run into this, maybe your connection is bad?

Sure you did.

t. chinese niggers
everyone knows you're obviously hacking the shit out of this game even PC players say it

there is skill based matchmaking in warzone, so i guess you're just too dogshit to get into the cheater lobbies.

Nah, those are actually console players cheating.

Ban China IP, 99% of cheaters are from China

shutting down chinese and russian servers would remove 90% of hackers

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Online shooters as a whole are a waste of time since cheats are so accessible nowadays. You only got yourself to blame if you continue playing this shit

Is there more people playing warzone than the mp?

>play HC DOM on PS4
>See maga faggots with their kb+m
>commence to whoop their ass
>they cry and call everyone niggers

You fags with that wagglemouse© aren't even that good to begin with.
Maybe you pc nerds should git gud instead of circle jerking to chinese cartoons.

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There were 9 spots on the map where you could clip through the map and shoot people without them seeing you. The ones at downtown and train station have been patched but I don't know if all of them are patched.

on pc ? definitely. on console ? definitely not.

Look up the hacker's name, 9/10 times it has a chink name.
And chinks are going to get banned from playing any online game soon.

this reads like one of those resetera posts where everyone clapped at the end

I've worked in QA, how the fuck did they manage to only fix 2 of the 9 spots? If it's documented shits super easy to confirm and fix.

Reading must be a challenge for you.

Chinks and ruskies comprise at least 80% of all cheaters online. Just ban them from playing.

>Most Call of Duty players are of course legitimate players, but it only takes one cheater to spoil a game session. It can be incredibly frustrating to die to a Warzone hacker after spending 45 minutes soldiering towards the final circle.

i got to 2nd place last night by just flying in a helicopter until it was me and another guy.

but yea, i turned off crossplay because im sure the lag-swtichers ive encountered are pc cunts

>Console niggers pay a monthly fee for this experience

Serves them right to be honest

No need. China is already banning their entire population themselves.

pretty much this, just region lock russia and china out of the global player pool and be done with it already

not a problem in halo mcc.

that sounds very boring user. Also the sound mixing in this game is so dogshit, the helicopter must have deafened you

>that sounds very boring user.

it was amusing to see all the retards dying because they shot at me and revealed their position. i wont do it again unless i have to complete a challenge, i dont think the point gain is efficient for the time spent.

but at least im not cheating like pc scum.

I saw it happen myself. Decided to watch a guy play after he killed me, he had an aimbot and literally killed every single one of the last 9 people alive. You couldn't even see the people on the screen and his gun would just swerve 180 degrees and unload

Yeah sure.

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The sound is dogshit when you are flying a helicopter. I couldn't hear any of my squadmates since the helicopter was too fucking loud

>Wow wtf why isn't this corporation installing a rootkit to stop the ebul hakkers!
I mean, I kind of get it, coming from console players. Your entire device is spyware.

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consoles would be a fucking mess if cheating was as easy as it was on PC

Honestly they deserve it for still feeding the market of multiplayer shooters in 2020
And retards who cry about rootkits deserve it, too
Literally stop consooming you disgusting fucks

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I think PC inclusion is unacceptable with crossplatform FPS, especially with this game where microseconds matter. It should just be xbox and ps4. Or it needs to have some kind of precise check whether you're using a controller, which it doesn't and I also doubt it would function. The aim assist is also extremely weak in this iteration, not like MW2 where it would zoom in on players, and more often than not a source of confusion.

So yeah, I'm definitely always turning that option off, even though the game REALLY wants you to play with PCfags. Fuck you.