No one knows how much the Buster Sword weighs

FF7 has been a thing for more than a couple decades and yet there is still not a single shred of official information about how much this thing weighs. It's like they refuse to address it or talk about it.

Now, it would be very easy to simply dismiss it as extremely heavy since Cloud has super strength, but that doesn't make any sense. You can't just whip around an extremely heavy object faster than I can swing a fly swatter, that's not how physics works. Again, it's a fantasy game, you can simply dismiss it as such, but how much would the Buster Sword have to weigh in order for Cloud's fighting abilities in the game to make any sense? I'd say the absolute heaviest that would make any sense would be a max of 30 pounds or so. That is still HORRIFYINGLY heavy for a sword, but it can't be that light if it's made out of iron, which I believe it canonically is.

So either this thing is nowhere near as heavy as it looks or Cloud has magical Superman-esque abilities to wave away impossible physics with "dampening fields" or some stupid shit.

Attached: xCloud-and-the-Buster-Sword.jpg.pagespeed.ic.4Jh5yuXdve.jpg (750x750, 74.92K)

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I read somewhere it was like 80 pounds. And Clpud has superhuman strengh due to SOLDIER bullshit

>I read somewhere it was like 80 pounds

That isn't official information, that was for a replica someone made. There is no official information on the Buster Sword's dimensions anywhere because they don't exist.

You know whenever Cloud starts inexplicably flying like an anime character when he fights Sephiroth? He's subconsciously using that bullshit power to support some of the weight of his sword whenever he swings it, magically resolving any physics inconsistencies.

Who cares he's a super human infused with magical energy and alien cells and it's a fucking japanese anime game
His sword is literally Gut's sword in berserk so maybe try to ask your question on Yas Forums

>but it can't be that light if it's made out of iron

It could just be enchanted to be lighter and be really well balanced. I mean, it would HAVE to be well balanced the way Cloud and Zack use it. That hilt probably weighs just as much as the rest of the sword.

I always thought it was stupid in a charming way

FF is a really, really stupid series.

There are metals in the FFVII universe that don't exist in ours. Who knows how strong or dense mythril or adamantine is?

maybe it's just because I am used to it, but I think he would look dumb with a normal sword

You need more than just superstrength to wield a heavy weapon effectively. If the weapon is too heavy then you're just going to knock yourself off balance, even if you are strong enough to wield it. You would have to be capable of some sort of flight (which Cloud is, at least sometimes) to make up for the fact that if you swing an 80 pound sword YOU'RE going with it.

And to be fair, a lot of Cloud's fighting style in the Remake is exactly that, him throwing himself at the enemy along with the sword, doing flips and jumps to follow through with the enormous momentum the swinging is generating.

What annoys me is that they don't just do the easy thing and confirm that it's made from a metal like that. We're just lead to believe that nah it's just a slab of iron.

Consider that Buster Swords are commonplace. The fact that they can be found discarded like any other weapon, or found in treasure hordes new and old means that they aren't that rare. Not to mention every weapon shop in Midgar and across the FF7 world has variants of them for sale; this has to mean Cloud and Zack aren't the only ones using them.

Attached: neutral good deception rolls.jpg (750x583, 58.1K)

He'd just look like one of these guys.

Attached: fdd3af30c7951fd59278a8d95ce5be63.jpg (415x592, 57.88K)

>The fact that they can be found discarded like any other weapon, or found in treasure hordes new and old means that they aren't that rare.

Which doesn't make any sense because in Crisis Core it's revealed that the original owner of the Buster Sword had his father work himself to death to afford it, meaning that it's a luxurious item.

But then again, fuck Crisis Core.

Why does he have bolts on his shoulder pad?

Not really anyway to know without knowing the materials, but it would be around 10-15kgs reasonably

Not sure if canon, but I think it's because he made it himself since he never actually got into SOLDIER.

I unironically hope he starts doing that in the next part. The only shitty thing about Advent Children is that it wasn't a fucking game.

I'd guess to catch any attacks coming in horizontally just above his shoulder.

I always thought he just stripped Zack's corpse

Zack had a real uniform with two smooth pauldrons. Cloud only has the one.

Cloud also has superweight because he drunk so much mako. He weights like 600 pounds.

>wearing some armour but none that covers your arms
pure triggered

Why is a cloud so skilled with the buster sword in the first place? He never really was SOLDIER to begin with, and even accounting for mako poisoning and JENOVA cells, he’s a complete natural at combat.

GAme Theory: The Buster Sword weighs exactly as much as the Masamune, which is why Sephiroth can so easily parry Cloud's strikes.

Probably just watched Zack fight so much that it was burned into his memory, and his kickass Jenova freak body took over the rest.

Maybe Hojo put him through training simulations for science. We know that Shinra has VR tech.

Unlike Zack who needed years of training by elites and loads of in the field experience to git gud Cloud was different. His superiors in Shinra knew he was a sword prodigy since they sent him on skirmishes age 14 IIRC. Its in the Ultramania companion materials. Also unlike Zack he was a candidate to go directly to the upper ranks of SOLDIER but since his resistance to MAKO was pretty shit and his mind would weaken they rejected him once he failed the mental screening.

It's a meta explanation, but the bolts conjure up a frankenstein's monster-ish image, which alludes to the fact that Cloud is one of Hojo's attempts to turn people into Sephiroth clones, effectively raising the man from the dead.

Look at how happy this motherfucker looks, goddamn

Attached: FFVII-CloudChocobo.jpg (1550x1600, 1.41M)

No shit he has super powers, retard.