Not even fanboys cares about this game

>Not even fanboys cares about this game
Is LZ just a one hit wonder and their best game will always be Skullgirls? The discussions and even anticipation for DLCs just... died out.

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>Game so forgotten it doesn't even get replies
Amazing, Kike Z fucked up pretty bad

Would help if the game wasn't boring trash

>half a year later
>"Guys, co-op mode!"

It's amazing how from the looks of it this game did almost everything wrong.

Didn't Skullgirls only sell this much because they had a shit ton of lewd characters but the guy behind the game went full SJW?

more like invisible

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I remember it if only for the brown water goddess mommy gf

>Download the beta/prototype whatever
>Seems dull, whatever
>Check my PS4 profile years later
>Apparently downloading the prototype once was enough to have it permanently branded on my account which no other demo has ever done
What the fuck, is there a way to get rid of this?

it doesn't bug me that much, but seriously, why did this happen?

Skullgirls sold because it was polished over years and continuously discounted sub $5
>"went full sjw"
they removed some panty shots from some animations, some are still there

They added a ng+ with amped up difficulty. I just wanted a hard mode but I guess I'll burn through the game so that I can play it for real.

>Didn't Skullgirls only sell this much because they had a shit ton of lewd characters
Also because it was an interesting fighting game until autists "solved" it and made it a no-fun club.
>but the guy behind the game went full SJW?
No, he's just a haughty bitch online. They changed two panty shots in an update along with some other animations because the character proportions and poses were way off model. They left in hundreds of other panty shots. Part of the redraw was giving Cerebella a BIGGER ass.

Pretty much
Skullgirls was pretty garbage as a fighting game
Anything with those kind of combo loops and character swapping is hot trash like MarvelxCapcom

That's not worth shit when a big chunk of the cast is incomplete and 1/3 of the cast isn't even in the game yet, not to mention that the game is so poorly designed you would never want to play through it a second time. Being easy is a fucking mercy, really, they nerfed it right before launch for good reason.

They grew up and so their design philosophy, this is not for debate.

Once I found out that there's no equipment, no inventory, no skills, and level ups are 99% cosmetic, I started losing interest in the game.

Then the story got boring as fuck and I stopped playing. I definitely regret buying it. The trailers made it look like a modernized VP, but it's really not.

XvsSF, MvC1 and Tatsunoko vs Capcom are fucking great you fag.

This is the only thing I like about the game, no, haven't played it, I just like this one character design and her idle animation.

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>Make an RPG with no resource management and no customization.
>Throw over a dozen party members at you, meaning that the vast majority of where the budget went (the party) is just straight fucking trash and has no reason to ever be used unless you're so bored of the game that you need gimmicky bullshit to keep you invested.

How stupid do you have to be to do this? If you're going to give the player a ton of tools they need a ton of options.

>XvsSF, MvC1 and Tatsunoko vs Capcom

>yikes heckin ooferino
Head back to resetera.

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can someone post the supposed old character designs that I keep hearing about?
I've never seen them and they don't seem easy to just search for

The game was doomed from the start.
It 2 extensions to be able to reach the goal already proving there was no interest in the game. Then they promised a shit load of guest characters that I don't even know if they delivered.
The game came out and was immediately forgotten in a week.
All those nigger who shills the game constantly with webms and gifts of the animations dissapeared as soon as the game came out.
Skullgirls sold well because it has been on discount for years and because of the lewd characters. It was not even a good fighting game when it came out and they changed it a lot over the years because no one wants to eat a gazillion hit combo, now it has smaller combos but they are still huge as duck and you can easily reset it so your opponent will eat another combo.
Labzero only has good animations on their side but unlike vanillaware they forgot to make their games good.

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Skullgirls only sold because of the characters. It has one of the worst player retention rates by far out of any fighter. It's not an exaggeration to say that half the people who bought the game didn't even play it for more than a day.
The reason for everyone quitting though was because Skull Girls sucked in so many ways. It's a collaboration of ideas that sound good on paper but play horribly in practice.

One of the things that will always piss me off about Skull Girls was how the game advertised GGPO and claimed it would have excellent gameplay, and there were tons of people who just blindly believed the game had good netcode. In reality it had incredibly shitty GGPO implementation, meaning that online netplay was absolutely horrible half the time because your matches would go from perfect to teleporting lag fests. The netcode was way worse than any other fighting game you can think of, and it took two and a half years to fix. Combine this with the fact that basically no one was playing online after a couple of weeks and the match making was fucked and it was the worst netplay experience out of any game I've ever had.
The devs actually tried to hide the fact that the netcode was absolute garbage because they didn't want one of the major selling points of the game getting revealed too, which is the worst part about it. The outright dishonesty to advertise their game as having good netcode and then go out of their way to delete people talking about it is just disgusting. When they finally DID fix it and it was actually good they just acted like they fixed some minor bug because they didn't want to act like the netcode was broken the whole time.

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Not the same user but those games are pretty fun user.

They sure are. Which is why user needs to head back with his shit tier bait.

Did they add any of the guest characters?

Skullgirls is a ton of fun for midcore players.
The problem is midcore players get fucked up the ass by the people who go all in on Skullgirls because the game is so fucked, so they don't stick around because they don't have any fun getting touch of death'd.


Bitch they're still missing Sangmu and Antoine, and Naga Rider doesn't have his fucking motorcycle.

>Pirating it
Just play a good game instead.

I bought it and I will not fucking touch it unless they added the supposed "GUEST CHARACTERS". Ajna is a pretty shitty character, she's like korra but without the gay

Nobody wanted this game in the first place. They needed 30 extra days to get funding, which magically appeared at the very end of the 60 day campaign.

Considering it was only meant to be 30 days, you'd think all that money would have appeared at the end of the normal 30 day campaign. But it seems fans were somehow aware that there would be a 30 day extension. Seems legit.

>Not worth shit
The difficulty and balance of the game is literally the most important part. Why the FUCK would I care about the cast being incomplete if team synergy and how you play doesn't matter?
Like gee, now I have 10 more fucks I can faceroll with.

>didn't finish reading the post
The design of the game is so fucking bad and the balance of your existing party members is so fucking busted that there's no reason to ever replay the game and it being easy makes it slightly more bearable. That's the point. If you're going to play it once, you're better off waiting for when it's done. You're never going to want to touch it again once you beat it. Trust me.

>Battle Chasers went from alive again to dead again and now Joe Mad is working on new shit.
>In all that time, they still haven't put his gay robot in an RPG.

>it had incredibly shitty GGPO implementation
Holy fuck this.
I remember complaining about how my matches were unplayable because of everyone teleporting around constantly and I got told "Works on my machine". I didn't realize it was the game's fault until later.

Funnily enough, now that I know how many people didn't actually play the game, I'm willing to bet that those people were just blind fanboys trying to defend the game who didn't even go online because they were too busy jerking off to the characters.

What a mess