People who like playing healers

>People who like playing healers
What is there to like? Do you enjoy helping people so much?

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It's fun. Most people make healers very boring though especially Blizzard.

I can't aim for shit and this is my way of being a contributor to the team

>It's fun
Where's the fun in it for you?

99.9% of women choose to play as healers. When you see a man play healer you just know he'll be "trans" in a few months if hes bullied even a little bit.

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I heal because I enjoy the macro strategy of keeping a team alive. You have to know a little about a lot of class behaviors, level layouts, and push strategies to be successful. I also enjoy letting my charisma out. Helping teammates is sick, bro.

>When you see a man play healer you just know he'll be "trans" in a few months if hes bullied even a little bit.
Nigger you browsed Yas Forums and Yas Forums for way too long you cringy projecting nigger faggot

Dumb Yas Forumsack

Juggling health bars and being a leader

Because healing and supporting in general is more about macro than micro.

lmao found the mercy players. You'll never pass. just remember that.

Mercy is fucking boring to play though

There is an enjoyment to be had knowing that you were the mainline force keeping your team alive and help them achieve victory. A bad healer will be shit talked, a good healer will be ignored, and a great healer will be praised.

You don't carry the medic, a good medic carries you in tf2

>playing overwatch

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I like winning.

Sometimes the healing character is fun and rewarding to play. Like Medic in TF2 or Mal Damba in Paladins

move over lads im here to make healing fun

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Retarded thing to post

>What is there to like? Do you enjoy helping people so much?

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i only heal in overwatch because they allow healers to do dps in between heals. something like moira just feels like a true well rounded character that has solo potential compared to retard dps that needs to be baby sat, or tanks that do wet noodle damage and is just a meat wall. mercy and lucio are both pretty boring, ana and zen are good but too vulnerable, brig isnt even a healer

Nah I play Zenyatta. Mercy is too one-note, and I being charismatic on the mic fits his form better than hers. Why so mad at me for helping the team out, bro?

I'm pretty sure it's masochism and a pint of stupidity since there was some medic that used to curse alot in a match and had unusuals too namely that burning fedora thing forgot the name of the hat. So our team was doing bad and this guy was medic all game and mostly just getting mad even though he could've went to a different game or played an aggressive class. He wasn't even playing with friends/someone to pocket just solo casual matchmaking. Not sure if he had something to prove or just liked getting dissapointed and mad but I notice this with people that just happen to switch to medic too to try him out or give the team that final push with a uber.

>Do you enjoy helping people so much?

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Being able to decide who lives and dies on my team

depends on the healer

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>its 4 pm user, its time for your daily prostate exam

Won't you just get votekicked for not healing? This shit can happen even if you've been healing everyone like if you try to be an ass just for a fun one moment in the game they quickly turn and kick you out. Like if there's a burning scout running towards you and yells medic but you just look at him and wait for him to burn to death while you heal someone else or do nothing.

Medic in Killing Floor 1 made me feel like a god (because it really was a god class). Medic in Killing Floor 2 (and the entire game) fucking blows.
Medic in TF2 involves you in the fight somewhat, so it feels good.
Anything else is cuck tranny buzzword shit.

>Can still figth
>One of the most important classes, team mates will thank you
>Can turn the tide of war in your favor
>take skills to not just be the ''medic gf'' type of healer