Dead or Alive

Did user went back to DoA5LR after DoA6's death ?

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Mostly. I still play it for NiCO sometimes.

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I've never bought DOA5 or DOA6 because they suck shit

>Top 5000 is at 9.5 million
>there's still a whole day left
Seems like the princess has quite the fanbase.

Attached: Oni + Princess.jpg (1920x1080, 505.34K)

>I've never bought DOA5
Imagine missing on the best main DoA so far . . .

Attached: Awa.jpg (1920x1080, 428.85K)

I think is being a chill event tho I mean we are supposed to be stuck at home with nothing else to do

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200220_233728.jpg (1080x1920, 411.69K)

I can't nut to this

Attached: EJvXshvUUAAqbEq.jpg (2048x1152, 332K)

For that user who couldn't get the Kirishima CostumeCustomizer to work: you have to press Shift+1/2 instead of - = on the latest version of the CostumeCustomizer.

I wouldn't call the top 5000 going over 10 million chill when it's the highest it's ever been iirc. I have 16 million points so at least I don't have to worry too much.
It's most likely the fault of so many trendy suits being available with the school suits. Might mean that the other suits from that SSR swap event might show up again eventually as well.

Attached: Side Shot.jpg (1920x1080, 316.86K)

Personally I would've liked them to extend the milestone prizes beyond the 20m point because of corona but I can deal with it

Attached: kasumi.jpg (1080x1920, 1.35M)

shit I stopped at 8M the other day

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I love Luna!

Attached: hugging volleybunny.jpg (3840x2160, 808.81K)

Most of the time I end somewhere between 5-6 million. Going for 10 million or above is just the ranked events for me.

This time it might be around 12 million or so for the accessory I think so you'll have to do a grind session if you want the earrings.
Wonder if anyone here played Grind Session back in the day.

Attached: Oni ft. Royal Profile.jpg (1920x1080, 262.47K)

I never bothered with DOA6 because unlocking the dlc wasn't as easy. And I don't want to spend 2k

Attached: Royal Wallpaper Posing.jpg (1920x1080, 327.08K)

2k fo what, brain cells ?

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did you go back to your original language when you found out you suck at english?

I love Kasumi!

Attached: DOAXVenusVacation_200222_083938.jpg (2160x3840, 1.07M)

Imagine walking up to her, moving her bangs aside and smooching her cute forehead.

Nice belly

I'd rather imagine Hitomifag making some screenshots himself for once, instead for reposting 99.9% of pictures from someone else's Twitter.

You're not wrong but you're still ruining the mood, man.

Gross. god there's so many degenerates on this board.

If is from the actual games i see no problem with making reposts

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200223_205029.jpg (1920x1080, 360.2K)

Nut inside Lei Fang.

Attached: DOA4 Lei-Fang ED.webm (688x400, 2.48M)

Post more Helena

Jesus this is like some shitty twitter post.

when do you expecting next gen doa announcement and release?

Attached: 1583244561883.webm (640x796, 699.13K)

He died happy

I don't really mind either. But it's weird. It's not like he reposts heavily moded, reshaded or "proffessional" screenshots you can't replicate. It's the ordinary stuff - standart poses and outfits, nothing out of this world. Just make some nice pics yourself in your game and share.
Hopefully he at least plays VV lol

Attached: DOAX2 SD tina_poledancefortune 01.webm (640x480, 2.86M)