Anyone excited for this?

Anyone excited for this?

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Will it have the Strike?

i want to kill god with my bare hands and make him pay for bringing me onto this soil

Strike no, freedom yes

Yes but I assume the servers will be DOA in Australia, like every other fucking game that isn't Tekken or SFV.

It's the only game that makes me want a PS4

How the fuck do I get a code to it? I play GBO2 like 5 hours a day.

No thanks.

>lol shit game, MBON is the real deal
>you missed the registration event which was held early April


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>wait for ps5 backward compatibility
>buy it

The real deal how? After looking at this it looks like some hyper fast anime brawler game. GBO2 seems like a totally different game that relies on teamwork.

Fuck me, this is the best time in the whole century to be on PS4.
>gundam breaker
>super robot wars
>now maxi boost on in english
Just make me dead.

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Yeah, they're totally different niches. Disregard that user.

Oh, isn't that second one the Aile Strike? And there's the Rouge too. My interest is piqued.


I loved the Vita one it was pretty fun

Even grinding for haro medals was fun

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ive played it since gundam zaft on ps2

Who /rengouvszaft/ here

I don’t even remember signing up for the beta but I got a code.

I want the game to do well over here. I hope there’s a lot of people playing the beta.

Last time I played a bamco beta I couldn't connect for the entire duration because they're a bunch of cheap fucks that couldn't be assed to have enough servers. Hopefully this time they won't be retarded

What game?

Xenoverse single player beta

Jump force I assume. That happened to me.

Is this gonna be like the other Gundam Versus on PS4? It was fun at first but the only single player modes were a boss rush and that stage by stage mode, I forget the name. My friend and I got bored of it quick. I like me some pvp too and I love how it felt like I was playing gotcha force again. While I liked the speed in this, my friend preferred how weighty the suits were in older games and when I played those I see the appeal.

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>forgot to sign up

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What about Blue Protocol?
That should answer all your questions

I got an email for this and I didn't even apply

I've literally never played any Gundam game other than Feds vs Zeon and Dynasty Warriors 3

>Tallgeese III
Fuck yes

>No Bertigo
>No Tallgeese I
>No Saviour
>No Lupus Rex
>No Flauros
Fucking WHY it's not like these are niche suits or anything what the fuck

>still more than 2 months for release
It hurts