A toast... to Gamers!

A toast... to Gamers!

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A toast, yes, a toast!

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Here, here! To video games, and the gamers who play them!

Cheers, boys

What do you have to do to be a gamer

>Doom Eternal
>Resident Evil 3 + Resistance
They were all great. More.

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say the "N-word"

Wait.. the leader and the most influential person of the greatest nation in the world...is a monkey?


a toast !

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big if true

A big toast to us!

cheers lads

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Cheers dahlings, ch cheers!!

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Cheers fellas

A toast gentlemen!

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Based! Fuck the FF7 remake and fuck niggers and trannies!

i love my friends on Yas Forums and 4channel, cheers friends :)

you're alright OP

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He based

Cheers mate. Females = cancer.

cheers my hard rockin amigo

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Cheers, my friends.

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Groyper is my spirit animal

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Cheers, you faggots

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kanpai, my brothers

cheers fellas

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Cheers to everyone except for the black people reading this, or as I like to call them NIGGERS.

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Hip hip hooray!

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Niggerlicious thread, boys.

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