Coworkers refuse to talk about video games

>coworkers refuse to talk about video games

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I told my coworkers I was playing azur lane crosswave and they look up what it was and laughed at me

Why did you do that? Your power level is something that should not be revealed to every day folks.

Seconding this. You have to be CHAD first


I'd laugh at you too for playing such a shit game

>having work

good for you man

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>my clerks and fellow manager all play Dungeons & Dragons together
Get on my level.

>tfw your coworker probably posts here but he always suppresses his power level

>reluctantly admit to being a gamer
>coworker asks you what your rank is in a game you both play

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>that picture
>Simpsons and coworkers

Remember when you sold me out to r9k for some eclout and people still ignored you but obsessed about me for years? Still seething about it?

>tell your coworker that you like anime
>he won't stop talking shows he's watched for over an hour afterwards

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beginner mistake bro!

I enjoy it


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Everybody watches anime. what did you expect?

We’re laughing at you too user

Your time will come, user. Don't lose faith.

I hate to talk aboud video games IRL except when it's with my close friends. I tell all my coworkers that I don't play games (or watch anime, or any of the other bullshit they want to talk about so they shut the fuck up or talk about mundane things like the weather).

It’s called being friendly user, try it.

>girl claims to be into video games
>ask her which ones
>"call of duty, pubg, overwatch"

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>mfw my supervisor plays Read Dead 2 Online on an rp server

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i once witnessed coworkers talking about video games.
now i'm certainly not the most hardcore gamer myself but they display the most stereotypical normie opinions and gaming behavior to the point i just walked away.
> dude, TLoU dude, literally truly the best story based game i've ever played dude. one of the greatest games of the decade dude
> i didnt enjoy it, i thought the sneak mechanic was flaw-
> dude THE best story based game ever, the STORY dude
> yea i played this, it's great but i only played it for 15 minutes or so. oh yea that i played too. for like 30 minutes, it's awesome. i bought the whole collection too but havent touched it yet
> you guys know fortnite? it's great i can play it on my tablet

Literally had this conversation two days ago:
>Coworker, out of nowhere: "I bought The Witcher 3"
>Me: "?"
>Coworker: "I didn't like it. It annoyed me. I expected something action-focused"
>Me: "You made a mistake. The Witcher is pretty much talk to guy A, then go and talk to guy B, then go and talk to guy C, then go and talk to guy D, guy D will tell you "I'll talk with you only if you kill 10 wolves" and so on"
>Coworker: "Yeah, that's why".
Conversation stopped. Why he decided to tell me about the game he bought out of nowhere is something I don't understand because I haven't told my coworkers that I play videogames.

probably because you're also a pleb with no taste

A one sided monologue is "being friendly" in your opinion?

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>having coworkers

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the price of never keeping your power level hidden at all times

>coworker starts talking about his sex life

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>coworker starts talking about her boyfriend
>a month later cries at work and says she got pregnant and shes keeping it
>months pass and theres no belly
>never brings it up again

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>coworker tries to start a conversation about a Reddit post he read

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>have one coworker to talk about games to
>kind of a weird guy
>gets really into this puzzle game called baba is you
>insists that I play it
>tell him I’ll check it out
>brings his laptop the next day so I can play it during break
>held socially hostage playing this game while he breathes over my shoulder and gives me hints or comments on what I’m doing

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the only game i play nowadays is overwatch because i hate myself
if someone in real life started talking to me about overwatch i would physically assault them. i don't care. i'd go to jail

>Try to be social when I first get a job, practice what to say, how to talk
>Completely fail apparently, since I spaghetti, stutter and sweat
>Manager understands what kind of person I am and puts me in the warehouse where I can work pretty much on my own
>I like it, I'm good at it, it's a lot less stress than having to talk to people but on the same time I feel like I blew my only chance to socialize
>Coworkers call me the warehouse troll for fun and I have to pretend it doesn't hurt

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Did she abort? Even if this is fake I'm glad people are choosing abortion, not every baby needs to be shat out

I play botw for half my shift.
>tfw night shift weirdo
>only work with other night shift weirdos
I catch front desk watching anime at night

based co-workers

>hey, don't bother me on my break
Problem solved.

>coworker asks me about games I like
>list some, keeping power level low
>they start talking about games they like
>realise I know more about their favourite games than they do and I don't even play them
>have to stop myself from correcting them

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