I’m the ultimate Tifa fanboy but I bought Persona 5 Royal instead. I’m not even going to bother with remake...

I’m the ultimate Tifa fanboy but I bought Persona 5 Royal instead. I’m not even going to bother with remake. From what I’ve heard about the story seems like I made the correct decision.

Cheers shills

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pirate it on pc when modders fix it

The story is pretty much just the same events but they destroy destiny at the end so there's some uncertainty about how the rest of the series will play out.

stop lying to the man

this is final faggotry not final fantasy

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Nah, grab it when it's discounted. Just be ready for a Mass Effect 3 ending, actually come to think of it I'd say it's worse due to false advertising as a Remake. Some fun stuff, though no real fun downtime and no reason to ever grind. Replayability is questionable.

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k. Thanks for the blog post

>Replayability is questionable.
>Hard mode literally adds new shit to find during gameplay
>Enemy AI and abilites are completely changed
>You keep all of your materia and stats

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Wait what is wrong with this scene?

Yeah we get it, we saw you post this in that other thread.
You’re clearly not as big a Tifa fanboy as me, who played remake. What better things do you even have to do with 40 hours of your life? Nothing.

no one wants to replay hours of cutscenes and padded out garbage

it's gay as fuck, the OG scene wasn't like that at all

There's no kingdom hearts in the remake though so what's that portal supposed to be


don't even bother wasting space by pirating it

fuck off shill
no true tifa fan wuld support this tiny tit bullshit

>being this dense

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Her tits may be more proportionally accurate than the original but at least they look like actual tits.

It's just the last hour of the story that shits the bed
The other 39 hours are pure kino

You’ve only jerked off to fanart anyway, you’re not a true fan either.

absolute bullshit

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what am I looking at

a crying edgelord ghost

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Why are people so fucking retarded? Nothing about what we saw of Zack suggests he is alive. Cloud has his sword. Cloud has his memories. Areith has not seen him for a long time. All it shows is that he lived LONGER than he once did NOT that he is still alive.

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What did she mean by this?

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Based. Enjoy Royal. That’s a game worth your money with the most kino final battle and ending ever.

What does that have to do with kingdom hearts or FFXV you stupid fucks? Jesus you can really tell who played the game and who is just a shitposting crybaby poorfag.

Oh man that helicopter sure is scary and dange-

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maybe it has something to do with the director.

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>I’m the ultimate Tifa fanboy but I bought Persona 5 Royal instead.
Are you literally me?

Except I'm an Aerith fanboy. But yeah, Enix fucked up and Atlus got my money now.

>first scene, real world
>second scene, time ghost dimension where debris floats and physics don’t exist

What's with all the gay tones? It's the god damn fujos, isn't it?

What does this have to do with an enemy that was in the original and is now also in the remake?

Took me 95 hours to fully complete P5R over a course of 9 days straight. I could only tolerate FF7 for no more than an hour or two.

It's not, shill.

>I bought a pointless censored rerelease instead of a shitty plotted remake

I'd say you deserve a medal, but from what I can tell you would break your teeth on it.

This. Royal is a game that gives you 130 hours of content that never gets old, FF7R gives you 25 that feel like a chore.

>padded out garbage
What's wrong with you people?

So why show that scene at all

>padded out garbage
Woah bro what’s wrong with you?

It has nothing to do with themes of the original.


Also the bullet ammo change is based as fuck.

Yeah that's two strikes and you're out. You don't even get three you retard.

he used the word kino retard, I was mocking him
learn to read

Based. Will do the same.

Oh ABSOLUTELY! That shit makes combat that much more fun.

I'm sorry you like VN waifu dating sims so much but FFVII is way more fun than that shit.

P5 is an actual turn based jrpg retard. Have fun with your generic walking sim.

This is now a P5R thread
Discuss your experience so far.

whatever you say, shill
fact of the matter is, the money reserved for the game of the month went to Royal, not your shit game.

stay mad, nothing you can say can bring that money back to buy fff7r, it's over. your shilling didn't work.

>paying for games

> padded out garbage

ironic. persona 5 is the quintessential example of that. its story stops being interesting after kamoshida, they make you waste hours doing stupid socializing roleplaying, wasting time doing random encounters in mementos. its all a massive waste of time


Just so we're clear:

Remaster: Higher resolution, same engine (in most cases), maybe slightly different, more detailed models, maybe some cut content re-added or specific features that are usually QoL. Higher sound quality but usually the exact same music and even voice acting if there's any.

Remake: Different engine, core mechanics still there, but translated to something more modern and current standard, graphical overhaul, some extra content, rearranged soundtrack, story adds a few elements but doesn't change much if at all.

This game is a reboot.

>He thinks he knows the game by watching let's plays.
How embarrassing
I didnt think I'd get all the social links done in time, but it felt good to get them all before the finale. Had no idea that the Fortune Confidant was actually useful for that until like November.

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Daily reminder Kitase changed the story because everyone knows who Sephiroth is.

>Kitase-san: There are two main reasons. Firstly, the way we handled Sephiroth in the original FINAL FANTASY VII was to hide him - hold him back.

>You may not know this, but I was inspired by the movie Jaws which took a similar approach of teasing this powerful presence, but never fully showing you the shark until later in the story. We wanted to build him up as this really big, powerful character in people’s minds. By only referring to him indirectly, it created this feeling of fear and oppression - so when he makes his first appearance, it’s a big deal.

>But for the remake, that doesn’t work so well - partly because everybody knows who Sephiroth is (laughs)! We didn’t think it would be as effective to have him held back until later on in the story.

>Secondly, Sephiroth is this massively overarching presence that looms over the whole FINAL FANTASY VII saga. We wanted to make sure that aspect of him was present in this first game in the project - that’s why we have introduced him much earlier in the story now.
Little does he know what we also all knew the villain in Jaws was a shark and the plot still worked.