Makes PC a better platform by bringing Xbox Game Studios games to PC

>Makes PC a better platform by bringing Xbox Game Studios games to PC
>BTFO's most PC's with Series X at $499, making my i5660k and GTX 1070 irrelevant

Fuck you Phil Spencer

Attached: t9fwrwia9amfw97ki8mv.jpg (1600x900, 164.37K)

>saves video games singlehandedly
Thanks, Uncle Phil! I thought it was over, over!

>Learning Japanese

Attached: quarantine_phil.png (1600x900, 942.74K)

nothing can save pcs it will forever be a turd world shit-rig infestation
nobody even wants to make games for these clowns either, just maybe haphazardly throw together an unoptimized port and chuck it at these starving niggers

If this rumor about Steam integration in the next xbox is true, I'm unironically ditching desktop PC for xbox + linux laptop.

Doubt. People are being retarded if they compare this new system with any past system. The technology has never been this advanced for a gaming console especially compared to laptops of the time.

>that generic IKEA "office" set


It's pretty funny to me that some people actually think "sold at a loss" means they'll get $1200 worth of hardware for 500 bucks.
Sold at a loss means MS will need 1 or 2 game sales per console to break even.

Need some god damn sause

>Makes PC a better platform by bringing Xbox Game Studios games to PC
no one cares about Gears of War, you retard shitposter

Microsoft doesn't pay jewvidia market rate for their console hardware though, so we don't know how much this thing actually costs them to make.

dude the specs are out
stop fucking coping already
literally 1to1 the same copes about the onex (which wasn't even that powerful)

Yeah, just like "specs were out" right before PS4/Xbone launch and consolefags thought they'd trash high end PCs but then whoops, they both got outperformed by i3+750ti in benchmarks.

>>BTFO's most PC's
most pc's are the office pcs who can't run even word without crashing retard

>the specs are out
The price isn't out moron.

People forget that they had to launch entirely new versions of the ps4/xbone because they performed so below expectations that they couldn't even run their own games well.

xbone didn't launch with a 1080 equivalent of the time
didn't launch with a top of the line CPU

xbox not only "bridged the gap" to pc, the SX is firmly in the high-end now, with the oneX being the equivalent of a 1060
stop coping you sad fucking loser

how hard are you gonna backtrack when it comes out and surprise surprise is blows shit

"And I base that on info from MS marketing team about an unreleased product"

that's funny because after the oneX came out and its benchmarks of 4k30/1080p60 were true, dickless losers like you just pretended it didn't exist
I bet right this fucking moment the onex out-benchmarks the vast majority of shit-rigs on this board, never mind the asshurt sonyroaches who have been kicked in the face for the last 3 years

To be fair, Word and Excel have been a buggy mess for decades.

>xbone didn't launch with a 1080 equivalent of the time
But it was being hailed as a 1080 equivalent at the time. It was supposed to run 1080 at 60 fps by Yas Forums's opinion. Using the same arguments being used now.

People were claiming 4k 60 fps when the specs were released. Lots of people trolled because of the 30fps. You are using hindsight to fill in gaps because you are probably a kid.

you're butthurt, it's fine
desperately using the xbone which was a bad release under bad leadership
if you want to pretend xbox hasn't turned itself around and started focusing on performance, go ahead and do that you think xchads give a fuck?
my 300dollar oneX runs games better than the absolute majority of pc gamers and that's a fact

*laughs at you in 60 fps*

>that's only the xbone
Name one console that performed well. At best they fulfilled the promises of the original console years after those promises were irrelevant. It's either going to under-perform and justify why the price was set so low or it's going to cost more than they have ever priced their console.

Uh, well, Neo Geo was far ahead of any other gaming hardware at the time.

And was priced accordingly.

we knew damn well last gen around that consoles were launching with 2011 laptop tier specs.

the xbox this time around is launching as a decent mid spec desktop. ps5 more like a low spec desktop but even that is better than a 2 year old laptop like PS4 was at launch.

not happening cmon

cringe bait


>Name one console that performed well.
Xbox 360 had a better GPU than any PC on the market at the time of it's launch.

>fulfilled the promises of the original console years after those promises were irrelevant

>name 1 c-console!!!
>*names console*

thanks for confirming i'm right...
3700x, rx 5700xt and nvme ssd = mid range pc. no bait here.

John Carmack agrees that consoles are the best way to play games
Then we have all these butthurt niggers on here coping about what exactly?

>I can't read
Literally were talking about the xbone x in that post. You are just retarded and made an assumption. Pat yourself on the back more.

That'd be cool but there's no way that's happening

>any PC
>on the market
>what are components
t. consumer walmart PC

>if i just insult everyone and call them kids and retards that makes my arguments valid

>wahhhh don't insult me
>I'm better than you because you think you are better than other people
Cry more while pretending the people you hate are more of a pussy.

I'll say it again so you actually read my post.

Xbox 360 had a better GPU than any PC on the market at the time of it's launch

About 2 years ago there was "no way" Halo and Gears would be on Steam.

>I don't know how to make my argument so I will just repeat myself
If you mean that performed better than any PC on the market then you are wrong. If you want to say it's graphics card can beat another graphics card in a benchmarks test then you are young and didn't know shit about computers when the xbox 360 released.

why don't you backpedal out of the thread already, you've got no ground to stand on yet you're still here pissing your pants for all to see
xbox turned around and started focusing on console performance with the onex that is already 2 years old at this point and is a shining example of this new direction they're taking
all you can do is cope about the times when the famous pc gamer larp about "holding vidya back!" was still relevant
newsflash, pc is the afterthought now and even AAA studios like Rockstar release unoptimized shitpile ports that don't work on release for pc

take all this anger you have for weak specs and channel it inward, for it's the hordes of f2pshit playing, shit-rig owning, turd worlder thieving mustards who are the literal BLIGHT on vidya nowadays

It's 499