Y2K gaming

get in here fuckers
>what gen 6 games have you been playing lately
>discuss your favorite gen 6 console
>discuss underrated titles
>is it worth owning a Dreamcast in Anno Dominini 2020?

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>gen 6

KH 1 (but the remastered version)

How is he wrong?

The last good gen...all before consoles and game makers became ultimate greedy fucks.

coincidently also the last gen Sega participated in and when Arcades would still be relevant
we lost so much soul in gen 7

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it would have to be the xbox of course.

DOA 2 Ultimate/DOA Xtreme/Ninja Gaiden is the complete gaming experience. the best single player game, the best multiplayer game, and the best female friendship simulator/porn

Just finished Mario Sunshine. Somehow the camera is even worse than 64 with moments where it turns and you're literally trying to look at Mario through a solid wall. Many retarded aspects added too - the repeated chases with Shadow Mario are absolute garbage: no pressure, no thrill, easy to lose him in space because this kind of game is not made for chases. Fun otherwise but a regression for sure!

try Jak And Daxter 1 if you want a cool Mario 64 inspired game
i actually found it better than Sunshine

based Team Ninja chad

u have no idea how much i love itagaki TN and how much i hate nu-TN. DOA was such a perfect casual fighter that wasnt garbage like most smash bros games or tekken, and ninja gaiden was predark souls and superior. then you add xtreme on top of that and its *chef kiss*

makes me wonder how they lost all the talent after NG2 and shat out NG3 and this PoS

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itagaki was their talent. team was just a bunch of monkeys that did his bidding and without him theyre useless

and pre-emptive le devil's turd replyers - dont care virgin.

>mario sunshine and sonic heroes back to back
>smash melee and pso and monkey ball party games when friends are over

i dont know if the games were that good or if it was that point in life. anyone born in 1994-1997 and had optimal middle or first class lifestyle had it REALLY fucking good.

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Code Veronica X, GameCube version.

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no gaming has died this decade. case in point: there was six years between halo 1 and 3. as of now there's been six years since bungie released destiny 1 and they still haven't made a game as good as any of their halo games even with 2 billion updates

I remember the fist years of me comeing to Yas Forums when "the snes is the last good console"
good times...

Can Dreamcast really be called Y2k tho? It was pretty much dead by 2000.

officially discontinued in 2001 so yeah it counts

Gamecube > SNES > N64 >>>>>>>>>>> Wii U > Switch > Wii > NES

atleast most people still agree gen 7 was total ass

based. holy shit the wii and switch are awful. wii u actually had promise

>gen 7
give it 10 years and people will be nostalgic of Uncharted, like "nobody will be nostalgic of the ps2"
been there already man

I had an Xbox, GameCube, and Dreamcast this gen. I loved
>super Mario strikers
>Simpson’s hit and run
>Kirby air ride
>fable: the lost chapters
>Jeremy McGrath supercross
>Mario kart double dash
>atv off-road fury 2

Who else played spy vs spy on Xbox? Ludokino

Gen 7 WAS good. Uncharted is shit and will always be shit.

Got Demon's Souls out of it at least

>Gen 7 WAS good

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nigger you never had a PS2?
get on that shit or emulate
you are missing out on tons of great games

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the nintendo ds was fun
also the wii had some pretty cool game
it wasa the rise of the indie games too, with stuff like Super Meat Boy

>>what gen 6 games have you been playing lately
Got the Mega Man Z/ZX collection on launch. Beat all four of the Mega Man Z games. Can't believe I missed out on them on the GBA, but they were fucking great. Despite MMZ4's flaws, loved it all.
>>discuss your favorite gen 6 console
Hands down the PS2. That ugly piece of shit filled me with life. Even though it had weak launch titles (only Tekken Tag Tournament, SSX and Kessen were worth a damn), backwards compatibility made it a beast. Then as time went on, more and more excellent shit came out. Dreamcast and Gamecube were also powerful contenders. Xbox's library was genuinely pretty weak in comparison, but it had its own gems. It got some decent SEGA love, and it had a few other titles such as Crimson Skies and Ninja Gaiden that definitely secured the platform as something worth at least a shred of respect.
>>discuss underrated titles
R.A.D. and War of the Monsters never gets the love it deserves.
>>is it worth owning a Dreamcast in Anno Dominini 2020?
Need a new one, sadly.

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