WH - 40k

So i recently got into 40k lore because of the Astartes videos, yes i'm aware i'm a pleb. Are any of the games actually worth playing?

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The one you posted is. So is Dawn of War 1, especially the expansions. Dark Crusade is exquisite.

mechanicus is okay, other than that pretty much just dawn of war.

>Space Marine (aka the stuff you posted) is a decent chop-'em-up
>Dawn of War 1 and its expansion Dark Crusade are good strategy games
>Deathwing is a decent horde shooter, but fucking bomber genestealers are too abundant
>Mechanicus is apparently good, haven't played it myself
>No clue how the Inquisition - Martyr plays quality-wise, heard a lot of dissing so idk.
Other than those are garbage games.

my nigga

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The space marines games are actually decent? Thanks i was considering it.
Dawn of war 3 was also on my radar. Worth picking up now or should i wait for a sale? Shouldnt steam be doing a spring sale soon?

Wait what’s wrong with astartes? The dude that makes that shit is a fucking wizard.

>Dawn of war 3
It's dogshit, don't even think about buying it

space hulk deathwing

I never played 3 so i can't personally attest to its shittiness but most people don't like it. I didn't play it because of how moba-y it was.

play dawn of war 1 and its expansions first. then maybe dawn of war 2. skip dawn of war 3. next check out battlefleet gothic 1 and 2. Battlefleet gothic 2 is something any warhammer fan should play because it actually progresses the overall lore of the setting by a massive degree.

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Start with Dawn of War 1 (play through the story in order with each expansion) and/or Space Marine. Once you've done those, Battlefleet Gothic is also very good.

Nothing, the videos were fucking amazing. But it did so well it pulled in even retards like me that had 0 interest in war hammer and leads to the fandom getting inundated by plebs which always leads to the slow death of any thing good.

I liked Dawn of War 2 and the Chaos Rising expansion for its soft RPG elements and weapons/items customization. Space Marine is a solid 7.5/10 3rd person action game with some lore.

If you are a huge ARPG fan you can try Inqusitor: Martyr, they improved it a lot since launch.

I liked how you can go full chaos in the expansion too

warhammers a little different in that the vast majority of the lore is locked behind books and requires people to actually fucking read the lore. most normies wont actually read shit, i'm assuming if your here on this website you will actually read so if you want some book recommendations i can make them.

Battlefleet looks right up my alley, thanks.

Soulstorm is better. Get over it.

anytime lad

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This vvvv
If you start getting book recommendations, here's one tip:
>Don't start with Horus Heresy shit.

I've been devouring all the videos Leutin09 puts out, just finished his video on Cadia which was absolutely amazing.


Sure, i'd love some book recommendations. My job is 90% sitting on my ass reading books or watching fucking videos except in the summer when i bust my ass, so having some reading material is always welcome.

warhammer is also a little different because the tone can vary pretty significantly across all the writers and series. not everything is muh super grimdark like people assume

I disagree with not reading Horus heresy early, but its good to stop reading them at around the novel "Thousand Sons" because after that it becomes a convoluted mess of shit.

If you want to really fall in love with warhammer 40k see if someone has a reading of the novels "Eisenhorn and Ravenor" Both of them are some of the down right best detective novels you will ever fucking read and it explores alot of the daily life in the imperium that you don't get to see with spessmuhreens.

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>dont start with Horus Heresey shit
Are the books just bad or something? The heresy seems like one of the most important portions in the lore.

Appreciated, will definitely get to it. I absolutely love the lore i've encountered so far. I think i'm hooked. I don't think i could ever see myself getting into the table top aspect of it but the lore is fantastic.

Like i said in the other post the Eisenhorn and Ravenor books are fantastic. You can also check out the "space marine battle" series
>Wrath of iron
>The Siege of Castellax
>Fall of Damnos
are all fantastic novels. Additionally if you wanted something from the imperial guards perspecitve, check out Gaunt's Ghosts series.

Yeah i have about 600$ in books on my shelf but i would never touch tabletop. 600$ is like the minimum required to play small games for some armies, its absolutely fucking ridiculous.

No but after like book 14 it the lore becomes extremely messy. Its one of those things where they threw like 10 different writers at it so the quality varies drastically between novels.

there good but have some heft to them. not the best comparison but i would maybe say its like telling someone who just heard about tolkien for the first to read the silmarillion first

Jesus, alright. Cool to know there's plenty of lore out there to delve into.

i guess for some maybe, i got my first army which lasted for years for like 250. not saying that's cheap or anything but so are most hobbies

I regularly read stuff that's 1500 pages so heft is actually something i enjoy.

This one youtu.be/4VXUDlcr0qI

Eliphas' sweet creamy voice as he taunts faction leaders and the lack of "capture and hold critical points" campaign maps is proof of your opinions wrongness
Unless it's for the Apocalypse Mod, in which case you're 100% right.

yeah if you want to look for books on your own writers to look for are
>Dan Abnett
>Aaron Dembski-Bowden
>Graham Mcneill
The other writers aren't particularly bad but these 3 are a significant level above the rest.

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Personally i like the original campaigns story the best, Sindri Myr was a fantastic villain, and he had a delicious voice.

All Dawn of Wars and Space marine, gothic armada is great too.

Meh, GW has been ruining 40k long before it started to get more exposure.
Most people who are really into 40k actually participate in the hobby aspect, which by nature gatekeeps most normalfags because its expensive, time consuming, and autistic as hell. Most people who learned about 40k from astartes or video games will just read some wikis and leave it at that, which is completely fine.

The Heresy is best appreciated in the context of the main setting. Remember, the Heresy was just an event mentioned briefly in codexes and the main rulebook for 15+ years before it started getting any books. You'll enjoy it far more if you know how 40k proper works. As the other user said, by far your best starting point would be the Eisenhorn trilogy followed by the Ravenor trilogy.