Holy. Shit

Holy. Shit.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 5.51.14 AM.png (1576x1376, 2.19M)

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Whoa...now I can play game I played already... again

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Link the source faggot

Is it really that hard to google the title in the image? I found it instantly.

Anyway, the article image is dumb fan mockup clickbait. The only "news" is a new SKU listing for the trilogy on Best Buy. We've had this exact thing happen before, and it turned out to be false. So it's probably nothing.

Who fucking cares release a new game you pieces of shit.

Is it this gay shit?


literally zero reasons to buy this when primehack exists

if you wanted to play the old primes just emulate them lol

Yeah, I love the stuttering and audio glitches, it's the way they are meant to be played!

Not gonna lie, I would, but I like the idea of playing them comfy in my bed.

Oh. My. God. Lois, it's freaking Dark Samus!

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Only ever played the first few minutes of the first Prime. Metroid in general always felt like a weird one to me. A bit hard to get into so if you like it then you really fucking like it.


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I never played the trillogy. Did that fix the AWFUL way too 100% in metroid prime 3? You needed to like connect to the internet and share codes with friends to get some shit on the original Metroid Prime 3 release.
Still mad at that shit.

downloading a Metroid Prime Trilogy iso rn to play Prime Hack, is the Metroid Prime series in general any good?

port pikmin 3 and we're golden

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Nah it's not happening

>First person shooter on a portable console

I could only see them releasing this if a new Metroid game gets announced. Sort of like “yeah Prime 4 will release in a year but have this in the meantime”.

So fucking sick of hearing about this. It’s probably not happening but I’d love it regardless.


Only if it's all 3 games in a collection

More ports

Maybe a new 2d game by Mercury?

The image of Samus is fucking recycled from Smash 4. Are you blind?

Hence, fake. The cover would obviously feature original artwork, not a recycled image from another game.

Attached: samus.png (485x485, 162.69K)

That's some artwork they grabbed off somewhere for illustration, the Best Buy listing doesn't have any images, as with every early listing.

retard. Probably russian too

when will they release metroid 4?

First one was considered to be a GOAT contender for about a decade. The sequels are more of the same. If you like Castlevania with a space shooter aesthetic you will have a great time.

>Nintenshills will buy the second rerelease of games that can be emulated on a toaster and defend it till they are blue in the face

Fuck me

>Not taking every fucking shortcut feasible

You haven't been paying attention to them have you.

The fuck?


>tendies buying the same games over and over and over again
color me surprised

I would unironically get it because I'm a collectorfag and the originals are a bit hard to come by, especially the original collection on the Wii.

If you can't get dolphin set up near perfect ur hopeless. Sell your computer

Prime 4 has been announced for a while user

god i fucking hope

Stream your pc to your Vita/phone/tablet

Just emulate it. If you pay $60 for a gamecube game in 2020 your the literal definition of CONSOOMER

I hope they add the missing effects and original title screens back in.

Lol Dolphin is the easiest EMU to get working. You don't even need to fuck with BIOS for it. Most games work on stock hardware.

*rapes you*

Every company keeps releasing collections, remakes and HD ports
Last of Us HD port, Jak and Ratchet HD ports, Crash Nsane trilogy, FIFA 18, FIFA 19, FIFA 20...

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I just want to be able to play in bed on the switch.

Gonna try this, you'd better not been lying.
Last I saw it couldn't play F-Zero without stuttering because of some shader bs.

They'll add in Prime Hunters too. With returned online mode working.

>Started prime 1 on PC yesterday
>Now this
