Forced stealth ruined it

forced stealth ruined it

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I thought the whole game was forgettable, even the shooting was nothing special. Is the sequel any better?

Was there forced stealth? I know the DLC was full of it but I don't remember the base game having any. Well, apart from the intro that has all of 2 minutes worth of forced stealth.

Forced stealth? What kind of pussy are you? Did you really hide from the enemy the whole game?

>Is the sequel any better?

only forced stealth is in the tutorial where you have to get past the first chainsaw guy

> Is the sequel any better?

It's worse. It took those flaws and really went with it. TEW1 had at least atmosphere, despite all flaws

>Forced stealth
Did we play the same game?
Sure, the beginning is kinda annoying beacuse it forces you to be more stealthy due to lack of offensive options but pretty quickly (around the time you fight the first boss) you can do whatever the fuck you want with maybe an exception of short gimmicky segments like that part with explosive gas.

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No shit.
Stealth always ruins survival horror games.

This was always a poor man’s RE4
What happened to Mikami? Vanquish was a decade ago and he hasn’t made anything good since

Are these games actually bad?
Just bought 1+dlc and 2 on GoG since they're on sale so it was only $20 total
Should I refund or are they worth a shot at that price?

I didn't like 1 that much but I wouldn't call it a bad game. Never played 2.

1 is amazing, 2 ruined everything by making the game open world
dont listen to the retards in this thread, they all dont like 1 because they went into it expecting RE4pt2. its not an action game by any means. meant to be played at a much slower pace & the action set pieces are the only bad part

What forced stealth? The first chapter stealth? Everything after that is optional.

1 is great for atmosphere and weirdness, but runs like shit and has some really shit tier areas and sections.
It also relies on instant deaths as punishment far too much.
The story makes no fucking sense, but that's on purpose.
It's got a cool aesthetic for the most part.
Controls are somewhat passable, but not too great.

2 fixes pretty much all the gameplay and performance issues of the first.
It is far more coherent, but as a result it comes across as somewhat generic.
It has some really great sections and set pieces, and some pretty forgettable ones, and due to the semi open world design (large free form levels that have some specific, linear sections between them as well as linear side areas throughout) it loses a lot of the charm and as a result a fair bit of the creepy, wtf factor that the first had.
In all, the first is the more unique game, the second is the better game - unfortunately it suffers from a fairly dull latter section or two, and some brokenly overpowered abilities that tend to trivialise the game.
One episodic side mission is particularly good, and is a throwback to the first game, so be sure to have played through that before starting on 2.

Id rate 1 a 7 out of 10, and 2 an 8
Though you might be inclined to switch them if you prefer linearity over tighter gameplay.

I'll keep and play them both for myself then, thanks for the responses lads

TEW is kino grotesque horror with dodgy gameplay - easily worth a play. TEWII is better gameplay is a far lamer setting.

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Forced stealh in a linear path.
5/10 game

Not every game needs an open world and customisable avatar zoomy.

Yeah , you are right, it need at least a lvl desgin.

RE4 is linear too but it's actually good from beginning to end.

There's literally no stealth past first few chapters

Island exists.

It only looks bland (for the most part) but the gameplay is still great.

I meant to say stealth elements, the game is designed in a way to encourage sneaking, there are traps laying around everywhere, low ammo, back stabing, enemies move in a way that it's hard to headshot them. It could have been much better game without all this shit.

So you want the game to remove the option entirely even though you dont have to do it if you dont want to, ok this is epic.

I liked the first game more than the second. These type of games are only worth picking up on sale. Give it a shot you might enjoy it for the price. Not worth retail value

Is this game really as hard as people say? Anyone tried the hardest difficulty? I just ordered it so I really dont know what to expect

ew1 is worth full price imo, i really liked it.


No the island has terrible level design as well.



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>The only good part of 2 was the one that heavily relied on the first game
Really makes you think.

2 was overall a better game than 1


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only brainlets hate this game

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Almost all of this was in the first game as well.