Koikatsu thread

fuck MEGA edition
Play it

Attached: 000.png (585x768, 390.08K)

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i don't think soda is good for lolis

post your clips user, I love them

>use height mod
>invalidates 75% of positions
>use breast minimum mod
>game reads breasts as concave and fucks up lighting
Pics like OP are misleading. (21)s are not yet perfectly doable on Koikatsu or any Illusion game, AFAIK.

that's not soda, she prefer milkshakes

Attached: 001.png (1366x768, 695.31K)


you can make flat chests with abmx no other mods required
height is only a problem in main game and even then there's a mod for this
if you use flat shadows then lighting will show correctly


oh my!


I've been messing with Koikatsu in VR and the UI is truly aids. Are there good VR UI mods?

you shoul aks KKG for help, i don't have vr

thanks cunny bro, time to fap again

Remember to stretch before going swimming

Attached: juststretching.png (1600x900, 1.84M)

are these on a booru or pixiv?

Where does it going?

no, only catbox, i'm not going to make second pixiv page just for my card stuff

plox make one to put these on will be nice to find new ones when you make them. Also has koitkatsu had much new content added I haven't played since around when it first released. Did they add any extra stuff to the dating side?

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i don't even play the main game i just make animations in studio and i still use r8 repack

based, your loli is adorable

Okay, you got me interested in this game.
What do I need to download to fuck cute lolis?

latest better repack and loli cards

This is why I love this board

It was just a misunderstanding. They cleared it up over some beers.

Attached: beeers.png (1600x900, 1.85M)

>chikarin in the background

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I have played it and I find it wanting
Yeah good for you, you've made some lewd images and videos with posing your mannequins, but as a game, it's pretty clumsy and limited.
Wanna make it better? Fix small character/child animations and model stretching. "Let's make a dating sex sim set in a girl's school, but child characters don't actually work!" what the fuck is their problem?
Add different models to allow for different character types that don't fit the cookie cutter anime body. For example a more toony face that allows for a wide toony grin. Another example, a more furry face mesh to make creating furry characters easier.
Fix the loading times
Add custom dialogue support
Stop the default character models having long legs. Looks especially retarded on male characters.
Fix the default character's feet being ugly wedges. Or at least at other feet options.
Remove that dumb boob outline feature that always attempts to exaggerate the boobs under clothes. It even does it to flat chested characters. Makes choosing clothes very difficult.
Also the skirts clip and vibrate all the time. Fix that.

here's the card if you want her in particular

I really want to nakadashi your character

love your style but make more cowtits stuff again please and thanks

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I am actually thinking on getting this thing but that depends on how easily/if I can at all make traps/femboys or shotas. I wanna say hopefully without mods but I guess I'll use them if necessary.
Everyone just always shows off all the options there are for girls but I dont know what options there are for guys.

did mega take down your acct? is this the new card?

The repack is an easy download and has everything needed to effortlessly make traps. It's just an option in female character creator for genitals so you turn off the cunny, turn on the penis of your choice and adjust the size. There are even flaccid penis options in the accessories section.

Not who you replied to, but I just set up the game and went through the intro, I'll be holding on to this thanks

>did mega take down your acct?
>is this the new card?
updated body, made her more loli-ish

you'll need better repack for this card to load correctly

The one I got from the general wouldn't suffice?

fucking pedos

Attached: disgut.jpg (1024x576, 43.46K)

it's ok

Fucking reddit

>literally just make a girl and give it a penis
I hope that looks better than it sounds like it would but thanks, I guess I won't know until I try. Hope there are some good dick options too...
And I'm guessing that to make a shota I have to make a tomboy loli and give it a dick? Or is there a better option?

we need to go younger

Attached: drool.gif (281x281, 426.57K)

Thanks, time to put on my headset

leave, no one's forcing you to be here

Tight, thanks

What's the mod that fixes height?