SE are absolute retards

During a quarantine, this would've sold millions on PC aswell. Instead they took a couple of bribe millions from Sony instead and missed out on massive sales. This game gonna flop on PC as hard as FFXV did due to SE being corrupt as fuck. Retards.

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Timed exclusivity for a story-heavy game is always a stupid idea, yes. I'm not too bothered though, the backlog grows.

Seething PC FAG

Just get a PS4 and shutup PCfať.

No one is buying Time Jannies shit

Yes? I have a PS4 aswell but why play this at unstable 30 fps 900p when my PC can deliver so much more? These asshole bribes are cancerous. The PS4 is a shit console that should be the poverty alternative for gaming. These bribes hurt games in the long run.

I think people are since they're stuck at home and no other game has released lately. SE gotta be fuming they signed that Sony contract right about now.

By this logic there are other games that have increased sales on PC right? What are they?

Yep, especially these days when countless people will watch in twitch and spoil all those edgy changes. Maybe I'll buy it when it hits 30 bucks on steam

Bannerlord. Unfinished overpriced pseudo-sequel that sold millions.

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Exactly. If the game was good enough I'd get it on PS4 but I'll just wait. On the other hand I loved Death Stranding so I'll pick it up on PC as well.

>waaaahhhh my PC
Shut up poorfag

So the only logical explanation for that is because FF7R is not on PC right?

To be fair, no one expected at the time that the whole world would end up getting fucked over because chinks couldn't get enough of their bat soup.

go back to pissing yourself over how expensive pc gaming is, pablo

Pirate it. Sony already paid for it.

Pirate it. Sony already paid for it.

You mean SE already knew there would be a pandemic when they made that deal with Sony years ago?
Those assholes could've warned us.

>wanting this trash of a """""remake""""" on PC
No thank you

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I see no blue beanie.

Be glad it's selling half of what 15 did.
>False Advertising
>Shitty graphics
How long til a fan gets pissed off and sues SE?

I’m the ultimate Tifa fanboy but I bought Person 5 Royal instead. I’m not even going to bother with remake.

I'm 100% sure someone in the world is making the same dumb argument about that new Animal Crossing game

No you retard. The explanation is that corona lead to abnormally high Bannerlord sales.

Contracts can be renegogiated. Which happened with 7R just close to launch as PC release got delayed further when PS4 version was delayed by a month. There is no point in supporting these chink kikes on PC. They will treat you like gutter trash no matter what.

>not owning a PC and consoles
I'll reiterate my previous statement

It's been timed exclusive day 1, how would they know about Corona?

Holy shit it all makes sense now!!!!!!

Real talk though, SE probably missed out on fucktons of sales by not putting it on all platforms at once. Now that we know what the game is, far fewer people will be buying it lol. Double dippers as well will be like Nope.

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sony paid them for exclusivity. blame them.

Ignoring chink bat soup flu, any game that gets delayed release for so long tends to do awfully on that delayed platform. The marketing campaign is active now, not a year from now.

imagine seething over ground zeroes 2.0
are you to stupid to find another game thats also finished to 100%?

falseflag OP
PC gamers play actual games not movie games

There is fuck all to play.

If you can afford a PC to run this shit, you can drop 200 dollars on a ps4, even less on a used one.

You're just mad you can't pirate it you ninny.

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Sony literally saved Square back in the game due to Spirits Within failing horribly. And due to japanese """""honor""""" they can't act in the most reasonable manner.


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It will sell millions anyway because PC gamers love Final Fantasy more than any JRPG.

Bannerlord sold because 1 it's a fun game 2 Warband is immensely popular with the PC audience. It's early access and getting daily patches and modding support, it's 100 times the game than this shitty fujobait is.

This would imply the port is gonna run well.

It probably won't.

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>Bannerlord sold because 1 it's a fun game 2 Warband is immensely popular with the PC audience.
So is FF7 and FF7R has great combat.
SE haven't fucked up any PC port besides maybe FF III, but it's gonna be more bloated in size and waste over 100s of gigs space

It'll fail pretty hard based on spoilers, interest has plummeted

Tool, Bannerlord has been a hyped but forgotten game. It always had the potential to be huge, and the barrier for entry was easy enough for mass consumption this time, along with its graphics.

Less than 60% of steam users have used Tifa's first limit break, less than 20% has played the game through the first disc. Why release games on pc when they'll only sell due to sales and impulse buys?

Not really, some are mixed but it's not like interest has plummeted.
Why do you care so much about stats on who plays and who doesn't? I can find data on PS4 trophies but it doesn't matter in this context.

it sold 5-10 million copies

>Not really, some are mixed but it's not like interest has plummeted.
Deluded and living in denial

>why sell games people buy?

bravo you fucking retard

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Last console i owned was xbox360...why bother with console sheit when PC exits...

What denial? I haven't seen any indication that many people aren't going to buy the game now. Saying "cuz of spoilers" proves jack shit

The 'remake' bait and switch won't work a second time around for the same damn game.

>gigs on a pc
Who cares, we got almost unlimited space.

>Why do you care so much about stats on who plays and who doesn't?
It shows consumer habits, in particular regards to steam it shows that marketing and sales are more important than actually delivering a quality product all the way through.