You guys ready for the REAL remake ?

You guys ready for the REAL remake ?

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Yeah I think it's gonna be the third best JRPG this year after P5R and FF7R

old music when

Lmao shill fuck off

I am so happy with this coming out, the art style looks much more shonen-y but whatever, at least i dont have to squint everytime i play it like with the original 480p barfgraphics


It's not a remake, it's an updated port, just like P5R.

Should I wait for this or get DQXI on the switch. Haven’t played either but want to play a JRPG

>new models
>environments remodeled
>cutscenes completely remade from scratch
>UI completely remade
>not a remake
Fuck off squareshill

You just know reviewers are going to dock off points for this game for not changing it enough ala FF7R.

It's an update port, dumb dumb. They literally just put the original game on a different engine and made new character models and added some new content, just like P5R. Have you ever played an actual remake in your life?

>instantly resorts to platform and company warring
Sign of a low double digit IQ.

What would a real remake be like then ? What should be in it ?

XCDE isn't out for over a month. If you've got spare cash go ahead and get DQXI.

I'm very excited. I've never played Xenoblade Chronicles 1 before, only 2.

Why would you recommend anyone that awfully boring game

But tons of reviewers really disliked 7R's finale and shat on the ending for being Nomura nonsense?

You don't even know the meaning of boring unless you've played that WH40K Inquisitor game.

i thought most of you faggots were mad about it looking like XC2?

Primarily waiting for the DQXI-esque music toggle. If the game isn't a mess on release then maybe I'll buy.

No, that’s XCXfags trying to start shit.

Some people are. They will probably come here later.


>I think it's gonna be the third best JRPG this year
Umm no not when Trails of Cold Steel IV and Hajimari no Kiseki are out this year

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I really want to see how they update this.

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Upgraded port.

"Remastered version"

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>They literally just put the original game on a different engine
That's what a remake is dipshit. If you change the gameplay or story then it's a retelling or reboot. Square Enix have blinded you with their lies.
P5R is in the same engine and console so it's basically a full price patch.


Doesn't matter what they call it, it's a remake.

>Trusting a nintendo translation of anything
bruh. Remember nintendo treehouse?

How's the characters in this one? I can't stand XC2, too anime for me.

For the love of Zanza, stop these stupid arguments.

Is he also the guy that gets pissed when Pyra is posted?

a lot less tropey and over the top than 2, but VERY british (if you use the dub). Personally I think it's one of the best JRPG dubs ever, but that depends how much you like English accents. Sharla is really the only weakly characterized major party member imo.

Can't wait for the FF7R vs XC1 Remaster shitposting lads
Hoping for a 90+ metacritic

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>What is Ocarina of Time 3D
>What is Kirby Super Star Ultra
>What is Star Fox 3D
You're a retard

>Doesn't matter what they call it
You serious? It's doesn't matter what the creator's of the game are calling their game You lost.
Every translation shows it says remaster.

Answer my previous question. What would it have to do to be a real remake according to you ?

I'm not that other user.

2nd after P5R. FF7R is hot garbage.

>FF7R is hot garbage
It looks fun to play