

Attached: 1587214052496.jpg (1500x1932, 320.34K)

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>that hat and 3 pins
Nomura is so original, it's fucking Shiki but with black hair.

>asian krysten ritter

god i want to lick those pits

Japanese shit is just so tasteless.
I don't understand how someone can not be repulsed by these clothes. They're so retardedly, childishly bad. Those gloves... That hat... It's all just so awful.
Same as Japanese "dancing" just being making autistic stiff arm movements, stringing together a completely mindless set of moves that supposedly look cute.
I fucking hate it. This is Lalafell tier shit. So fucking UGLY

you know if I didn't know any better I'd say that she's from FFXV. seems like the art direction doesn't really differ that much, only less crystally

It's Yuffie
That's the identity she uses to get into the execution of AVALANCHE

absolute dogshit design
you and footfaggots all need to hang


It's not, she's not even a new character, she's from waaaaaaaaay back in Advent Children, just a side character from one of the novels.

Nice """design"""

Attached: Marie_portrait.jpg (722x871, 98.1K)

oh shit hahah did nomura also do the designs for twewy?

Attached: Shiki_Misaki.jpg (720x900, 109.42K)

No it isn't. She's a character from a book.


Dollar store Yuffie.

god I just wanna sniff...
please just a quick whiff on that heavenly slum pits

I will now buy your game.

>did nomura also do the designs for twewy
It looks like his art

FF7R or P5R?
mind you I already played P5

What was the point of this character?

not-Yuffie shenanigans

She's from a novel or some shit.
Like Leslie

for people who wanted yuffie, but due to story/time constrains she couldn't be introduced yet

Kill yourself

P5 Royal. It has some neat new content worthy of another playthrough. Meanwhile FF7R isn't even a complete game. If you really wanna play 7R, wait for it to be cheap (which won't take long)

Kyrie is older than Marie.
She's from a novel.

Attached: Kyrie_Canaan_color.png (904x1759, 2.47M)

what a tweest

>Like Leslie
Really, he too? I knew about Kirie, but not him.

I dunno user, FF7 is cheaper than P5R in the PS Store, and I'm really itching for something new. How long is it anyway?

But she doesn't have the meme hat or zebra stockings in that novel art

So not Yuffie in disguise?

She does, you just can't see it on that particular pic.

It's not Yuffie, it's a completely different character, I literally even linked you the fucking novel summary to read you fucking tard.

>another Asian girl thrown in

What is the target audience for this?


It's Yuffie
Don't believe Ondore's lies!

he did the main characters in TWEWY, yes

Attached: Kyrie_Canaan_anime.png (348x982, 237.18K)


So how does it pronounce?

They should have used this design (sho-u tajima I’m guessing by the style) instead of adding the dumb hat and pins

I don't know how you can keep spouting that garbage that she's Yuffie in disguise despite overwhelming evidence that she's not.
Are you also one of those flatbrains that insist that Earth is flat?


wow she's literally me

Attached: Losttrap (2).jpg (480x360, 128.86K)

She is described as wearing a hat in the novel, try again.

kpop stans, look up any kpop video to see how popular yellow fever actually is based on views

>everybody believes the nonsense they spout
Peak retard right there

Well, shit. Guess I won't shitpost with that Marie pic anymore. Well played

How can they fuck up a girl's armpits like that? Those don't look lickable at all.

>FF7: The Kids are Alright
Fits well

Yeah, she's skinny but has fat girl armpits.

Oh okay, never knew that.
I should give the book a read sometime Sadly this is the only thing they did not sell here in my country so far

Better question is why the most important character from the novel, President Shinra's bastard son and Rufus' half-brother - Evan - wasn't in the game.
Leslie and Kyrie were added but they skipped Evan for some reason.

>wanting to lick slum rat pits

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VII_The_Kids_Are_Alright_cover.jpg (333x500, 30.04K)

Because nomura and nojima are hacks

Yeah the novel is from 2011 and Golden is from 2012 so she's older than Marie by a year.

Do you also complain about western games having to much westeners in them?