Western demon girl: monster or beast

Western demon girl: monster or beast
Japanese demon girl: literally just anime

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And that's a good thing!

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And I wouldn't have it any other way

That's what I thought at first. Then Sekiro came out.

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>Japanese demon girl: literally just anime

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>user plays a moe-fanservicey game
>gets upset that things are moe
Try some different games retard

Such an out-of-character moment for Guts, given what we'd later learn of his personality and hatred of being touched.

It was a fairly early chapter

One might even call it the first.

yes and?

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>Japanese demon girl: literally just anime
No shit sherlock

>Japanese demon girls get drawn in a Japanese art style
Wow, that's kinda crazy, who would have thought!

I miss her skirt

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Japanese demon girl: Literally perfect

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>game about demons
>human is the best girl
explain this

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But that's a sister not a demon user!

I'll never understand why these games are allowed to exist with that blatant pedobait

What's bad about pedobait?
Just say you want me to post more Etna art, don't deny it.

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Cute Demon Thread?

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>those hips

She is very breedable.
I want to go to hell for her.

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She's both! A final boss demon and the best little sister!

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Seriously, anime is just an art style. No need to attach specific storytelling to it.

No, because it's not just one unified artstyle.
These are 3 currently running shows, they all look different.

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Pls b 1000 years old

western demon girl: no personality, not even a character most of the time
eastern demon girl: it has personality, it isn't just an npc you kill, and most importantly, they actually do a variety of the demon girl formula, unlike the west where is all generic demon girl

is an easy slut!

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I want to taste that lolipop

This, Disgaea really surprised me.
Thought they were all just wacky, flat characters but they made me care for them, kinda like in Gintama.
A western game never did that for me, they all felt lifeless and boring.

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Probably just aping that one scene from Conan the Barbarian because it was cool

imagine living 1600 years without sex.

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