Post movies that need to be made into videogames

Post movies that need to be made into videogames

Attached: walijewski_cube.jpg (700x1000, 158.84K)

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Reminds me of pic related

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There's even a sequel now

I remember this being a battle royale game for some reason.
Also wish it was more puzzle-based so you could figure out where to go not just through sheer trial and error.

Maybe not this one in particular but I need a comfy point'n'click adventure game written by the Coen Brothers

Attached: Fargo_(1996_movie_poster).jpg (220x330, 158.16K)

Someone made an mod for Fallout 3 based on Cube. It was closer to being Portal than Cube though.

I want an atmospheric horror or adventure game with Lynch on board. If you say Deadly Premonition or that shitty new Twin Peaks VR thing I'll kill you

Attached: The Return.jpg (700x1000, 153.66K)

>spy on your neighbors while locked inside your house to figure out who's the killer
>player can make notes, browse web, send spying drones and make phonecalls (including police, but only with enough evidence)
>if the player is too slow or gets found out by the killer it's game over unless the police get there first

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Fuck you, you fucking faggot, for posting that shitty Rear Window knock off.

It would be interesting.
GTFO, when played "right", can sort of feel a bit like Cube in that every person specializes in something that will help everyone survive via their loadout.


i'm sure everything does, user
I'm sure everything does...

the movie is kinda shit, but this scene makes me want to play a L4D-style game where you defend against waves of unholy shit not knowing what to expect next

You trying to make a fool of me?
That not nice

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Only good answers

Eraser. I'd even settle for a copycat x-ray scoped railgun.

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Perfect Dark.

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you know you want it

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Deadly Premonition has very similar tone and setting, just more horror instead of thriller.

Postal 2

somebody post the Fallout vault ideas thread that was basically Cube

Would main the shit out of the severely autistic guy.

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nvm found it

Attached: vault 120.png (2416x4450, 1.55M)

Smash TV

*blocks your path*

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I agree with this.
With all the BR games out there, I honestly wonder why nobody has done what this movie did and have everyone start out with one unique item, then have to collect shit from each other after dying.

>he wants a game based on a cheap teen thriller that can't decide if its a remake or a rip off of Hitchcock kino.
You have shit taste in everything.

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Oops, posted wrong image

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I just want to play as a Judge trying to push back against the endless wave of crime and degeneracy with extreme prejudice.

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What exactly is the point of the cube, what is it supposed to do?

Raid 2 is vastly superior. A raid 2 game would look a lot like grand theft auto with absolutely gratuitous amounts of kung fu.

not at all the same

>Rear Window knock off.
The Hitchcock one?

>walk into room
Wow, what a fun fucking game.

You are 100% looking for Puzzle Agent.

I just want to dispense some much needed justice.

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>grand theft auto with absolutely gratuitous amounts of kung fu
That's Sleeping Dogs.

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>he doesn't have a rain man in his party
should have played the tutorial

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>Raid 2 is vastly superior.
The Raid 2 is a boring generic crime/cop thriller until like the last 20 minutes and it goes for like 2 1/2 hours. Watch to two fight scenes of youtube and skip the film.

This movie wasnt that good compared to The Host and Parasite
The Raid >> The Night Comes for Us > Merantau > Headshot >>> Literal shit >>>>>Raid 2

just play the 2nd to last level of nmh2.

There's literaly no point to it. In the movie the guy who used to work on it said the cube started out as some random inane idea that somehow got blueprints and soon spiraled into being funded and actually created without any clear supervision, and now they keep putting people inside because otherwise they'd have to admit it was a waste of money.
you gotta use them shoes, boy

This movie was great. I'd like to see a game that has this movie's theme of toxic consumerism matched with that campy b movie atmosphere. The vidya community bitches so much about corporate greed, but whenever I see a commentary about it in a game it seems so hamfisted and unsubtle.

Not with those shaky camera edits.

>The Host
I had no idea that was the same director. I'm glad he got that oscar


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>The vidya community bitches so much about corporate greed
Only the whiny faggots, libs and trannies

imagine fighting these two

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Spec Ops: The Line

Exactly. He said something along the lines of, "it's not as sinister as you think, just a lot more pathetic". My favorite scene in the movie along with the part where based black cop tries to rape the girl to start populating a cube commune.

This movie was pure treasure. Hobo With A Shotgun the game would be fucking awesome.