These guys were pumped up to be the ultimate badasses, but they just stand in one spot and do easy to avoid ranged attacks. I honestly find the nu-Barons more challenging than the Tyrants. I love their design, but the encounters with them were pretty anti-climactic. I have more trouble with a single cyber mancubus, doom hunter or baron. What did you guys think?
These guys were pumped up to be the ultimate badasses...
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Agreed they're pretty shit
I more or less agree with you. they only become a nuisance if there's more than one.
It's a shame they changed the barons' design, i liked the red ones in 2016, now i sometimes mistake them for dread knights
These guys were pumped up to be the ultimate badasses, but they just stand in one spot and do easy to avoid ranged attacks.
The size difference makes it pretty clear which is which for me, but the designs are otherwise too similar, I agree on that. Even in that one fight in the final level where you get more than one Tyrant to fight, they're pretty manageable. I still have more trouble with the cyber mancubus and the insane amount of damage it takes. Also fuck going in for a blood punch, that almost always gets punished hard. Ice grenades works I guess but I'm not a fan of it, I barely used it.
Exactly, sword was a really stupid addition
They could have it use bfg ammo and not instakill shit. Bloodpunch also is pretty retarded
Just make them more mobile and let them shoot while moving and they become much more threatening.
How tall are these guys? Because ARC mechs are pretty big and I can't figure out what else can take them out
The worst thing about bloodpunch is that it's buggy, inconsistent and tied to the same action as glory kill. If there's a staggered demon right next to that Cyber mancubus you're trying to blood punch, the glory kill has priority. Have fun dying right as you exit the glory kill animtion because you're standing a foot away from a Cyber mancubus. Fuck consoles
They seem to be a relic from a time before Doomguy was given high mobility.
Their AOE attack doesn't do anything if you're in the air. Hook them, punch, then shotgun.
>Icon of sin no damage
>on a PS4
How is this guy so fucking good on a controller
>Their AOE attack doesn't do anything if you're in the air
Didn't know that. The bloodpunch is still pretty unreliable though, sometimes I just end up throwing the pathetic normal punch even though I'm basically right against the enemy I'm trying to blood punch. But I'll play around with that for a bit.
>the way he evenly distributes shots and damage across all body parts
this shit is better than asmr
Doomguy had higher mobility in the older games, you move slow as piss in doom eternal without the retarded boost button or the speed boost rune. T. knower that beat that piece of shit on nightmare and had 0 fun
it's weird because while that definitely happens i've also wasted a good amount of blood punches trying to glory kill demons flashing orange right in front of me
You're faster than you were in 2016. Nobody was talking about the classic games, fag.
>playing Nightmare
>get to final boss fight
>finish first stage, destroyed all armor parts
>game fails to transition to the second stage
>stuck just fighting endlessly spawning demons
Fuck that shit. I legit turned on a trainer after that and finished the game that way. What a way to ruin the experience right at the end.
cyberdemons didn't exist in doom 2016 it was a shitty gimmick boss that looked like a retarded wow monster, fuck off you retarded back peddling faggot.
>You're faster than you were in 2016
Not without the dash. The default running speed was higher in Doom 2016. I don't mind though because with the new mobility options in Eternal the gameplay is still much faster overall than it was in 2016.
>The default running speed was higher in Doom 2016
Got proof of that?
People that actually played the games don't need to prove to you that the game they played was faster than ZOOM press E ternally
>People that actually played the games
So, not you?
hurt me plenty shitters need not apply.
Respawn shitters need not apply, either.
posting other peoples screenshots doesn't count, and ultra nightmare is a shit gamemode for a shit game that forces you into shit mechanics. fuck off retard.
>The default running speed was higher in Doom 2016
where did this meme come from? this is clearly not the case
t. died in a game supposedly meant for children
If you don't do the challenge gates you never have to fight a Tyrant legitimately, you just use the sword.
An eceleb said it once after playing the E3 demo.
>posting other peoples screenshots
>game rated m meant for children
ah the same shill from every other thread, your getting better at shitposting.
>>posting other peoples screenshots
>These guys were pumped up to be the ultimate badasses, but they just stand in one spot and do easy to avoid ranged attacks.
Oh, so they're Cyberdemons?
Got it.
Man... They really nailed the visuals, holy shit