Hey, what if our game just told the player to go fuck themselves

>Hey, what if our game just told the player to go fuck themselves.

Attached: trialoffools.jpg (1280x720, 144.49K)

Just equip the fast Dreamnail charm and do it.
Seriously, what's the issue?

>go in with a fully upgraded nail, Nailmasters Glory, the Strenght charm and whatever else
>spam Great Slash and Cyclone Slash on everything
>bounce off of God Tamers monster with your nail until it dies
Or is that too hard for you, pleb faggot?

>so many hard dream bosses
>those Zote fights
>Godmaster DLC
>Ultra Mega Giga Grill
You could've chosen any of these. But you mention the Trial of Fools which is extremely easy. Either based retard or a poor troll.

I miss the times when the Trial of Fool was considered difficult.

Have times really changed that much? Pretty much anyone can master Trial of Fools, or rather brute force it through nail and health upgrades.

Thanks for giving me a list of shit to not bother with.

Based retard.

This. Upgrade the dream nail. Keep one enemy alive at the end of each wave. Fully heal.
With full health at the start of each wave all the trials are nothing to be worried about.

Trial of Fools is peak Hollow Knight.
Godhome is just too much.

>Ultra Mega Giga Grill

Wtf I had no idea the dream nail had any use in combat.

Oh god. I remember when people thought the Trials of Fools was a slap in the face.

I cannot be fucked to 100% this game anymore, to the point that the DLC content has worn me out on the property and I'm no longer excited for Silksong. I'm just tired of the IP.
How to make your game a fucking slog 101.

All these newfags

Best boss fight in Hollow Knight?

Attached: 1587250250775.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

I want to fuck Mantis Lords and possibly marry one.

I used to be a pleb like you. But then I beat it. Then I beat the first pantheon. Feeling like a boss

Pure Vessel. All other bosses are meh.

Mantis Lords and Lost Kin are probably the best feeling fights.

>using an exploit to win the game
>git gud

Attached: 1291987910851.jpg (392x599, 30.62K)

Go fuck yourself.

I'm the pleb OP who's slowly realizing that I was probably just underleveled as shit for Trial, so my opinion doesn't mean much, but I sure think so. It had build-up with the Mantis enemies, it was a tense, exciting fight and then what it's done, there's sense of genuine reward and catharsis from you gaining the respect of the Mantises.

(and I kinda think going back to the Mantis enemies later in the game and going "oh these ones were exiled!" is a copout and undercuts this boss fight)

Nothing exploit about using nail arts and bouncing on enemies dipshit, now you're just baiting

Attached: kys.jpg (750x787, 483.63K)

based retard

I'm starting to think that someone really sucks at the game to be making these threads.
Trials of Fools is beatable. You probably even upgraded your nail, so you should have it easier than me.

Too bad, just like the fight you have to fuck all 3 at once.
And as female mantises, they'll eat your head if you disappoint them.

Cheesing the fight would be doing what we did back when the game released, which is use Hiveblood to regenerate all your health while continually wall-humping the left wall during the God Tamer fight.

I mean I just tanked the god tamer and wailed on him like an autist and that was well after updates

Is the game easy throughout. I'm 1/3 in and it has been a breeze.

fuck off reddit

Good luck beating the pantheons, boy.

95% of Hollow Knight you can sleep through. It's a very chill adventure game.
Dream Bosses are a snooze alarm.
Trial of Fools/Radiance/White Flower Run is a wakeup call.
Dream Zote/Grim Troupe is a trumpet in your face.
Dream Pantheons are Gary Coleman with hedgeclippers next to your sack.
Dream Pantheons with bindings along with Pure Radiance/Pure HK are multiple Gary Colemans with hedgeclippers next to your sack.

The dreamnail gives soul upon impact. And when it's upgraded it's both fast and gives you way more soul.

Which was totally justified considering bugged soul twister's orbs that wouldn't disappear from the arena.

>Dream Zote/Grim Troupe is a trumpet in your face.
What? Zote was every bit the joke in the dream as he is outside it.

The bait threads just don't stop coming.

What was the last boss you beat?

>White Flower Run

If you manage to realize that most enemies don't respawn until you rest at a bench it actually becomes quite easy

You can file him under snooze alarm if you want. Doesn't really matter until you're face to face with the Gary Colemans. Everything else becomes a joke in comparison.

>make it to the final room
>palms sweating
>hit the fucking thorns because you're a retard

I find GPZ harder than NKG but much more engaging. NKG is a snoozefest.

Have Hollow Knight become the most insufferable indie fanbase?

But I died more times to Dung Defender than I did to the Grey Prince.

I guess you don't remember Undertale.

Fuck Dung Defender and White Defender especially.

lol no

No, but they've tried.

existing ? propably, doubt it will beat braid fanbase tough. back from the time when playing indie game about basedboi saving princess was considered "intellectual"

Same, but I feel that I was just shit during the first encounter with Dung Defender. Replaying the game has him be a bit of a joke.
Whereas with Grey Prince Zote, feels a lot harder but you're so much better post-Trial of Fools/Radiance than I only died once.

Me too, user. Me too.

There has been worse. However HK fags who think completing the game requires a serious amount of skill are pretty bad.

I've noticed a lot of people define "unsufferable" as "likes a game more than I do".

>wtf, how dare casual gamers think this non-casual game is hard!

The specific three anons large Hollow Knight bait thread fandom is the most insufferable. They don't even hide their identities and post same shit every few days.

>Labeling it as a non casual game

I guess that makes sense.

Could you elaborate? I can't see how it could be a casual game.

>hollow knight
nice one. you almost got me.