Pls to giving me advice on a PS4 controller with Xboner shape

Pls to giving me advice on a PS4 controller with Xboner shape.

Hard mode: No fucking $100+ retard pro console gayman controllers with paddles and shit

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lol faggot

Maybe he likes playing video games?

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Oh let me guess, you prefer the poverty box? Or the roided out 3ds that has 2 good games on it?

can you guys please not do this and just answer the question : |

quit being gay and just get a xbox to ps4 brook converter. they have zero latency and work flawlessly bitch

How about the one you just posted? Looks alright.

so why is he on ps4 then? ps4 is for cod/fifa niggers.

From what?

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The Hori Onyx is a great controller for the price.

if you play 1 multiplat on ps4 youre a poorfag, and why would you need a custom ps4 controller to play movie games?

It's wired



Oh wait they make this one now

Neat. I guess that's /thread

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No they're not. You didn't even look it up, you deserve these people shitting on you.

What? Fuck Xbox fanatics.. Games fucking suck. Graphics fucking suck. Controller fucking sucks. Their streaming service can only be played on the system and you have to download the whole game.

With PS remote play I can play that shit anywhere I go and on almost any device. Also, I can just stream games from PS Now. Xbox isn't the WORST console ever made, but it's clearly inferior to the playstation. In fact everything is inferior to the playstation.

And don't even get me started on the piece of shit that is the Switch. Literally the only reason to own that console is: 1. BotW, 2. Odyssey, and maybe 3. Mario maker. That's it. Three fucking games...and the battery is shit. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking when they came out with that flimsy piece of shit excuse for a console.

Game pass isn't streaming games you cuck, enjoy your pixelated and laggy PS Now shitfest

you can't post here if your stepdad buys your electronic devices

why do you guys do this

when I see posts like this, this is what I think of

btw I'm OP and I quite like the switch for snipper clips and ring fit adventure which is absolutely amazing. my core is gettin crushed by those planks.

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Onyx is wireless.

I've never had a problem with lag. Literally playing Marvel's Spiderman right now and it's flawless, and besides even if it did you can still have the option to download it.

this is a poorfag post if ive ever seen one.
even if your too stupid or poor to into PC, a x1x will play every mutliplat significantly better than ps4 pro and costs literal chump change.

There's not a single hint of irony in this post.

it's 720p, you might as well play on a fucking CRT

Paddles are got tier and pretty much a requirement for Xbox layout though.
Pic related is god tier and is unfortunately not being produced anymore. I wish I had 2.

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why would he buy a console without any videogames then?

i have never in my life needed paddles to do anything on a controller.

anyone else feel like games are requiring too many buttons these days? all games have like 50 controls and some wheel that switches between shit and yada yada. might just be because i'm old but stuff like spiderman is a bit hard to play, im only like 2 hours in though.

I mean the switch is fun, don't get me wrong. But that shit is not worth what it costs, and they could've made it A LOT better. But there goes nintendo always trying to be different.

That "console" should be like $199 TOPS. Dude it's basically a DS but with better graphics that can hook up to your tv (unless you bought that newer model that doesn't even let you do that..)

The WiiU was fucking great. They should've just built up on that and make it so ALL nintendo games since gamecube could be played on it..That thing would've been revolutionary.

OP here I bought the ps4 specifically just to play death stranding which I enjoyed very much.

So let me get this straight
You have zero quarrels with playing games on PS now.
So why the hell would you ever own a playstation 4 which is the equivalent to gaming on a 2011 laptop.
Get a PC, and play PS exclusives through PS now.
Your entire posting in this thread just screams poorfag.

The new Madcatz's Dual Sense.

>i have never in my life needed paddles to do anything on a controller.
Play DMC5 or Sekiro.
You can't move around with style switching or choosing item respectively. Paddles mapped to cross fix this.
On Playstation layout I just claw (on the cross side) but I'm tired of this.

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>That "console" should be like $199 TOPS
By that logic every other system should have been $50 at launch.

couldnt you just claw it on xbox layout also? ive done it a billion times in souls games


Sure but to me using the index finger on a stick is terrible


>The WiiU was fucking great.

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>The WiiU was fucking great
Not even Nintendofags believe that.

>That thing would've been revolutionary.
By literally just being a DS with better graphics?