ITT: PS1 demo discs

got any demo discs memories?

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I have fond memories of playing the RE5 demo back when I was like 12. Scared me like crazy and I was panicing like crazy.
Was used to NES and ps1 graphics so the jump to ps3 felt crazy.

What's there to say really?
They were common as fuck, and provided tons of fun, for free.

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Not that many as N64 never had them and the Cube ones were generally more geared towards cheatcodes and trailers than actual game content. It did feel weird when PC Gamer cut the demo disc though, RIP.

played them shits almost as much as whatever else I was playing at the time
had/have most of the first 30 official ones

>Played the FFVIII demo despite it already being out
>Too much of poorfag to buy it right then and there
>I didn't know that storming Dollet had different music in the final game
>Bring it up to a friend at school
>He's confused as fuck
>Get the actual game
>Music changed for some reason

Yea, I always found that cool. Like the Silent Hill demo is slightly different but very noticeable than the released game. Just in terms of rooms/areas in the school though.

My first was euro demo 52:
I thought it was only Championship Motocross because I was young and retarded, so I played the hell out of it. One day I accidentally left and there was it. Fighting Force 2. Pic related. The look on my face must've been something, I went back to Motocross and Fighting Force 2 to check, and then pressed left again. There was a whole list of games. Good memories.

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Just played Kula world over and over again

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Clockwork Tower and Medal of Honor were my fondest

What games did you fags buy only to get the demo that came with it

Remember when a friend got Code Veronica just for the Devil May Cry demo

Did you play FFVIII through Musashi or was it one of the OPM demo discs? Think it was on there too.

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It led to one of my most chunni moments in high school; trying to describe this music with mouth noises, especially the heart beat beats.

>Like the Silent Hill demo is slightly different but very noticeable than the released game.
Same with the FF8 demo.
>Squall didn't have his scar yet
>Your enemies were supposed to talk to you? Or something like that? It had a constant text box is the point.
>Rinoa was in the party for some reason at that point but even I quickly put 2 and 2 together and realized she was just a placeholder.

I think it was the Pizza Hut demo

I always went to the grocery store and stole them

>Same with the FF8 demo.
Interesting, I might check it out if I look through my demo discs and it's on one of them like I think it was.

They were awesome. Had demo disc #33 for U.S. PS1 magazine, Interactive CD vol. 7 and Pizza Hut disc #2

Blast Chamber

I had one with a hand of the cover of the disc and it had games like bloody roar, gex 2 and crash 2 (and many more) but i don't remember anything else about it, does anyone know what i'm talking about?

I played Midievil and Soul Reaver for the first time on a demo disk. Both are my favorites from the PS1 era.

I also got filtered by Metal Gear Solid's first room.

>>Music changed for some reason
Cause it ripped this off
Starts at 4:29

Ayy just reminded me of how I got exposed to MGS. Funny that when my brother and I were playing the hell out of the demo, every passerby commented in awe how it was just like a movie.

Good lord, no wonder they had to change it.

Probably played demo discs more than I did actual games. I have fond memories of the Pandemonium 2 demo, R-Type Delta, Armored Core, Kingsley's Adventure and Jade Raccoon. These were all games I had the demos for but never owned, yet I still played the shit out of them. Based Playstation Magazine.

>Jade Raccoon
Lmao it's Cocoon, shows how long it's been since I thought of it

Intelligent Qube
No One Can Stop Mr Domino
Devil Dice

games that automatically make me think of demo discs, mostly because I never played the actual games but still memorable

Had an Xbox demo disc from an old magazine. (Don't remember the name)

Had games like Full Spectrum Warriors: Ten Hammers, Half-Life 2 and some other games I don't remember.

Gamecube came with one for me too. Had Viewtiful Joe(that ended up with me buying it and the 2nd), Billy Hatcher, Sonic Adventure DX(also bought), and Splinter Cell(bro had on xbox).

Oh shit, Soul Caliber 2 as well, which had Link playable I think. Dayum. I ended up getting this on xblive years later as well but never played.

They need to make demos standard.

Great thread!


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You types crazy way too many fucking times user STOP

>Kula World
>that one game where you're a little pirate ship
That's some good shit right there.
I remember playing one where you fight snake women too but I can never remember the name.

Long shot but there was another that would start up with a grey brick background or something with green text, the game had something to do with boulders, that's all I got.

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Had the one with monsters inc
It was bretty gud