The Last Dragonborn

>The Last Dragonborn
Bethesda really sealed the deal then, huh? No more dragon blood means the Septim bloodline is really gone.

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>Human-centric TES lore
zzzz who cares let's go to black marsh

>the Septim bloodline is really gone.
Does it matter?

No one can stop a Daedra invasion now

Lizards are literally the most boring shit. Even the cats have cool Egyptian shit.

It means no more dragon tongue, outside of those who practice under the graybeards, but even then I doubt there is as much potential for mastery over the voice.

Dont worry, there is an Alesseian heir who is a proud trans disabled womyn that you're going to wait on hand in foot in the next game

She's so diverse and inclusive that Bethesda will use your IP to determine your region, and populate the world space with people opposite of your majority demographic

Fuck off treenigger

Unless you believe the theory that Uriel V survived

As long as the Dark Brotherhood is still runnin the game I'm good, homie.

Would an Imperial Dragonborn would have a viable claim to the empire?

Dragonborn isn't a hereditary thing, it happens at random

You're wrong user. Everyone of the Septim bloodline was a Dragonborn.

Next time Alduin shows up it'll be to do its job as a janitor. So it's not like it's imperative to have another dragonborn after this one.

Yeah but not every Dragonborn is a Septim. Alessia was a Dragonborn as was Reman Cyrodill

>Septim bloodline is really gone.
I bet there are plenty of people that descent from female Septim branches or secret bastards.

If he's a scum like Hjalti, then he probably could.

Lorkhan did nothing wrong.

Fuck Mer.

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t.incel Padomay

>last dragonborn

Stormcloacks are cucks and the inperium was right. Death to Ulfric stormcuck

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Imperium* FUCK

there are ingame books talking about the obvious holes in that, and pointing out that Septim dynasty made what you wrote a popular understanding of the matter
Septim dynasty was the third one
it had no blood relation to previous two
even Reman Cyrodiil's relation to Alessia is heavily questioned

i like the cat race

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>be born Khajiit
>tfw Secunda full moon
>tfw born a Alfiq housecat Khajiit

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>imperium education
the absolute state

Argonians are boring compared to the khajiit.

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t. pelinal

lizards are the most tryhard "im just a funny cool guy" shit around.
everyone knows anything outside of dunmer, altmer, and imperial lore is fucking boring as shit.

>female branches
oh no no no

Can't be true that not one Septim woman married into nobility.

Female lines don't really matter, only the males, this is true in both genetics and monarchies.
All the woman had to do was make it to her first period and open her legs. The males overcome the challenges to prove themselves

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I know they don't mean much inheritance wise, unless there are no males left to inherit, but I'm talking about magic bloodlines here. Since Alessia was also a dragonborn I assume Septim females were too.

I thought the minotaurs are her heirs

Khajiit may have space travel but they haven't mastered land travel / have a naturally occurring underground transportation network

>And don't panic at the idea that you're being digested. You could live in a rootworm's belly for months."
>Scotti took one last panicked gasp of air and closed his eyes before he disappeared into the mud.
>The clerk felt a warmth he hadn't expected all around him. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was entirely surrounded by a translucent goo, and was traveling rapidly forward, southward, gliding through the mud as if it were air, skipping along an intricate network of roots. Scotti felt confusion and euphoria in equal measures, madly rushing forward through an alien environment of darkness, spinning around and over the thick fibrous tentacles of the trees. It was if he were high in the sky at midnight, not deep beneath the swamp in the Underground Express.
>Looking up slightly at the massive root structure above, Scotti saw something wriggle past. A eight-foot-long, armless, legless, colorless, boneless, eyeless, nearly shapeless creature, riding the roots. Something dark was inside of it, and as it came closer, Scotti could see it was an Argonian man. He waved, and the disgusting creature the Argonian was in flattened slightly and rushed onward. (The Argonian Account, Book III)