*breaks your game*

*breaks your game*

Attached: iko-221-gyruda-doom-of-depths.jpg (672x936, 113.79K)

Looks look your mom in the morning

ah fuckk, stupid phone my fingers are too fat for the screen


Blue+black Dimir is the best color combination.
Change my mind.

Attached: grn-205-thief-of-sanity.png (745x1040, 1.74M)

>A bad reanimation/theft spell on a 6/6 for 6 breaks the game
Fucking what?

It literally broke MTGO in a top 8 legacy match

>cast Gyruda
>get JtMS and Griselbrand

Attached: 1583707050006.gif (220x221, 1.21M)

I haven't played since Lorwyn but that card looks like trash.

Like client bug break?
No shit, MTGO is held together with spit and tape.

Black & Green for edgelords, still acceptable
White & Green for chads


Attached: ice-301-skeleton-ship.jpg (672x936, 268.39K)

I'm reading that everywhere as of late, what did companionshit break?

it's one of the best without a doubt

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>get JtMS
Reading the card explains the card, simpleton.

>cast gyruda
>get another gyruda from the trigger
>get a spark double from the trigger, target gyruda
>get another spark double, target gyruda
>get a thassa from the trigger
turn 4 btw

Companion isn't the problem with it.
Look at the non companion text.
You can still run 4 of them in the deck in addition to the companion by the way.

So basically the car'ds shit but people get lucky with meme double and thassa
>*shatters your sky*
Nothing personnel, kid

>banned in two formats quite literally five minutes after spoilers
Wizards are completely fucking losing it.

Attached: iko-356-lutri-the-spellchaser.jpg (672x936, 136.85K)

>turn 4
>clearly 6 mana
What acceleration are you running in UB that is even cmc?

*gets all my creatures back with flying and ETB effects*
*steals your dream trawler as well*

Attached: mothra.png (885x525, 757.14K)

how do even play otside the game

>Implying I'm not running simic

It's hybrid mana, you can ignore the black and treat it as 4UU because simic ramp is the most degenerate it's ever been, and then you splash white or black for preference of creatures.
The companion is played from your sideboard, but you can have three more copies in your mainboard.

Post your commanders.

Attached: ps19-53-god-eternal-kefnet.jpg (672x936, 175.25K)

No like it's objectively broken and can FTK from just 2 cards in hand.

You run 4 spark doubles 4 Dack's Duplicate and then nothing but other clones. You attack with 4 hasted 7/7s on turn one ideally worst case you attack with 4+ 6/6s on turn 2, and you of course have Force or PoN to protect yourself.

Even in standard it's easy enough to just run a ramp package or even just 100% win on turn 6.

>meme moth
Really diluting your deck there mate

what the hell is even happening in that card art? Looks like an utter mess

White green is for pussies

Attached: e01-80-baleful-strix.png (745x1040, 1.85M)

No because I had mana open to counter your spell. The meme play is just against non-blue decks, if my opponent has blue I just wait for them to tap out or only leave enough manga open for 1 spell, eventually I just cast a Gyrudo from my regular deck they can counter and even if I let it get countered they need to be ready to do it again with the one I have from sideboard while I had a turn to dig for my counter.

How do you cast it on turn one?

White Green is honest. Not that a blue player would know anything about that ...

>if my opponent has blue I just wait for them to tap out or only leave enough manga open for 1 spell
They're not going to do that when you revealed gyruda game 1 pre-game

Are they just trying to come up with the most retarded mechanics now?

>Even in standard it's easy enough to just run a ramp package or even just 100% win on turn 6.

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oh my

LED twice cast it from sideboard. It's a bit of a meme play since no protection from FoW but if you know they aren't blue it's pretty much a GG.

The more consistent kill is turn 2 or more likely 3, with some city of traitors and/or ancient tombs and lotus petals and Chrome mox, if you build the black heavier you can run recursion in case you lose the counter war but feel they no longer have the resources to stop animate dead.
Well it is a combo deck so it just becomes a who managed to get more counters and better ramp the game, but yeah traditionally a hard enough control should win.

That's the slow version what makes you think the deck doesn't run a survival package.