Why does MS NOT make Minecraft Xbox console exclusive?

Why does MS NOT make Minecraft Xbox console exclusive?
Imagine if Nintendo or Sony put their largest IP on Xbox, that would never happen. Why is MS so anti exclusive?

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because some executive decided they needed a brand to be a brand and to do nothing but be a brand, and xbox (which was failing at the time) was the perfext excuse.

>why dun ms make LESS money to appeal to the imagineray war in my head???
Thankfully retards like you will never have say in any company.

Exclusivity is slowly dying and it's a good thing. it's more about the console being good now rather than holding games hostage, so yea exclusivity is bad and im glad i'll be able to run Bloodborne in 4k 60fps.

90% of any xbox thread is PS and Nintendo players spamming “Xbox has no games” , people still care about that shit.

except for the two biggest gaming console companies..

>thinking Yas Forums reflects reality

Why ? Money !
>Minecraft has sold +180 million copies worldwide
>Only 20 on Xbox One.

Xbox one X is hands down the greatest console ever made by a long shot and PS4 still outsells it 3:1.
XSX is hands down much much better than PS5 and the online hype for PS5 is 5:1 that of XSX
People still care about exclusives sadly

Sales are way below that on Xbox

Pointless, and the original playerbase originated from PC so there's that too

not to mention that people seems to like owning Minecraft in different plataforms because is still comfy to play

why is this game still running on java?

dont they profit from sales on other consoles? the game belongs to them

Except Xbox is on PC too user, Xbox exclusive means windows 10 / Xbox console. They’d only really lose out on the PS and Nintendo sales , but many of these people would get a Xbox to play Minecraft and then MS got them into their ecosystem and can drain them more than the 20 bucks for Minecraft on PS4/switch

because when they made a c++ version they butchered many of the features and polish everyone was used to

That's his point

because the game was already on other platforms and none of thew updates have been good since 2011 anyways
if anything will be exclusive, it will be minecraft 2

Bot snoys and nintens have shown to never buy an xbox no matter how much better it is.

Minecraft Dungeon is on everything.
>muh old shitversion
Nah the game got so much better.

but ps5 has unironic 0 games even announced for it

I'd imagine a lot of Minecraft knockoffs would have been made.. and a few of them would have been outright better than minecraft.

even if it is not official, we know that it will have:
Horizon Zero Dawn 2
Spiderman 2
God of War 2

1) Minecraft was already multiplatform before Microsft aquired Mojang
2) Minecraft makes most of its money outside the Xbox ecosystem
3) Pulling the game from its other platforms would piss off a lot of people and make way for copycats. Look at what happened when Fortnite took over PUBG because the latter was Xbox exclusive

>god of war 2
god dammit why cant they call it god of war 5

because they paid 2 billion dollars for it and want to make money

>Xbox one X is hands down the greatest console ever made
Shits not even out retard

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over 88 million people have played minecraft across xbox one and the pc version. another 25 or so million have played it on ps4. it's basically free money for them. sony basically funded their studio acquisitions.


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And it's one of the most downloaded games on the Game Pass, if not the most downloaded one (not sure if GTA5 changed that). Before it was avaliable there the top downloaded game was FH4.

because people aren't going to buy an xbox just to play minecraft, dumbass. making it available to as many people possible maximises the number of copies sold.

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oh look the game that made me throw my DS against the wall for legit making me feel dumb.

Microsoft probably spent more on the Mojang acquisition than all these other B-tier studios Xbox acquired combined.

PUBG was a steam exclusive and then a real alternative without chinese spyware got released with fortnite.