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somebody post the full clip without some retarded faggot talking over it



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Imagine getting that salty while playing a kids game lol.

Somewhat based, but I can't imagine getting that pissed at a game...
Why is everyone who is GM rank such a fucking loser? Like what do you get out of being that rank? most of them aren't even getting paid to play. Why care so much? Do they derive all value from the blizzard ELO system telling them that they are good?

I've been to masters rank but I didn't really care too much about the game. I was always amazed at how angry/upset people get when losing... I guess they don't really have a life outside of games.

best part is the day after this faggot was crying on twitter about how he couldn't stream on twitch anymore and wondering why this shit got him permabanned

overwatch is such a shit game for lame retards but this was based

what's the deal? sometimes you just blurt it out, like when you stub your toe.

Oh noooooo he said a naughty word
Words have so much power it's only right

He’s a retard. He was peeking a Widow that had her wallhack ability up.

>sneeze in open mic
>well looks like we got ourselves a nigger in the lobby
I miss the good ol' days.


Blizzard/Twitch isn't the government, if you walk into a store that says "no shirts no shoes no service" shirtless and they kick you out that's your fault. If the terms and services tell you not to drop n bombs, and you do followed by your ban than that's also your fault

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>agree to ToS saying you will not sperg out
>sperg out anyways
>get banned from breaking the ToS
>surprised pikachu face

>won't somebody please think of the ToS
crying wotjeck you get the idea

not based at all the dudes a retard kek

>n bombs
It's spelled nigger you insufferable faggot.

If you don't like the rules play a different game, if you can't find another one you like, make your own, if you can't follow the rules?

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Yeah and? You don't have to be a bitch about it.

A based retard

Quick reminder that this is the guy who spams the money stolen threads

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If these people are so upset about the rules telling them not to drop n-bombs, why don't they just play another game?

just dont say n-bombs. how hard is that. there are millions of words to express your feelings and you cant do it without the n-bomb, weak.

>it's ok if a corporation does it
>I-i'm not a bootlicker I s-swear!

It is ok if a corporation does it, if you don't like it maybe China is more your speed.

>It's the company's fault that I can't stop myself from shouting nigger at random intervals

its their fucking game. they have a right to enforce whatever rules they believe will keep the most people playing so they can continue make money.

in china you get dd fucked by the government and the corporations, no thanks
this is what you sound like

>suprised pikachu
ahoy me mateys we have some reddit niggers on the board man the cannons blast the niggers


this could have been me when i played OW i was at peak alcoholic


> It is ok if a corporation does it
seriously retarded

Attached: toxic.webm (854x480, 1.39M)

you sound like every 18-22 year old dude who thinks he's the only intellectual in the world

based telling the nigger to fuck off

Yes, if I own a business I should be able to remove people who make the business look bad. Regardless of if it's some streamer dropping n-bombs, or an employee showing up naked. If they can't respect that find something else.

why is "Toxic Behavior" capitalized?

Toxic Behaviour is a moderator.

You should never be banned from a game for saying nigger if anything they should permamute

how does some guy who isn't an employee of your business doing something while using your product make your business look bad? your example about an employee being naked is totally unanalogous

>There are simple rules to taking part in a thing
>I pay money to take part knowing this
>I break the rules
>I receive the punishment outlined in the rules that I knew before paying
How could developers do this to me?