I've been playing ai girl and it's so much fun making my own character

I've been playing ai girl and it's so much fun making my own character...

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it's a decent yet unoptimized game too.
My next plan of action is to get them all equipped for material hunting...

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weird thread

based thread

Ded game

these tits are ntr doujin-tier huge
terrible taste

thank you..!
there's a general on /h/!
hey...! There's three lolis on the island! i want my booby lady to be THE boobs of the island to make up for everyone else not having boobs.

This happened early on in the game by the way! I was able to get the third girl for my island through the power of love.

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>there's a general on /h/
Which is dead as fuck.

I'll never be good at using sliders

is there a cunny involved?

I kept thinking this was a VR game every time I scrolled past it
what even is it

The fun is always been doing characters, everything else sucks.

I dunno.... i guess it's sad that there aren't more mods
practice makes perfect! and also absorb more media! anime, mango, and vidya!
you can make your own!
But.. I found that if you.... don't give her a bit of a mound that the boobs start to vibrate....
There's a VR option if you're into that
but no, you can play it without VR too! You're stranded on a deserted island with four girls! Three of which you've gotta unlock from pods! You gather materials and help your ai waifu learn how to do things... They're capable of getting sick, passing out, and starving...

>you can make your own!
show cunny

Repent, pedo scum.

Pic is you irl

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i don't really wanna start up the game again... it's kinda' late...

Imagine lusting over children. Pathetic. Repent now.

Pls stop, i already beaten my meat to cunny 4x already

and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

But I'm already catholic so wanting to fuck kids is okay

i think you meant jewish or muslim

No, I mean Catholic
Have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years?

Have they fixed the abysmal performance yet?

Why would they?
The game is dead, it was another SBPR ploy.
Wait for HS2 and don't waste time on a literal corpse, fuck you might as well just get PH since it's going to be finally open wide to real modding now thanks to BepinEx.

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> and this is sfw

dude no

>eroge loli licking her lips while spreading her legs

you're a seething freak

>wooow they are posting eroge in an egore thread
Why do you sound like a whiny reddit tourist, I wonder? Why don't you just go back to your safe space if you feel so offended by "freaks" here?

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Based. Keep fighting the good fight

They look more like this.

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I'm here for a reason you autistic fuck, but that wasn't sfw. You need therapy.

For a reason of being a power tripping faggot? You need to go back. This is an eroge thread, and everything that is being posted is sfw. There are no nip slips, no even naked girls, yet you are still mad as fuck. Just admit that you are some sjw nigger.

take your meds