Played any good RPG Maker games lately?

Played any good RPG Maker games lately?

Attached: RPGM.jpg (1532x890, 364.03K)

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Why is magic so shit in this game?
15 points in wisdom, glasses, and the shy personality and takes several casts to kill a random thug or orc.
Even worse, the game consumes stamina at the start of your cast instead of when you release the spell, so getting interrupted is especially devestating.

There’s no such thing as a good RPG Maker.

What game?

Aka loli hobo simulator


The fuck? Is this really an RPGMaker game? I've never seen one with an art style like this.

is it finished/ in english?

Great gem of a game, undisputed in its time.

opps here it is

Attached: GOat.jpg (1280x720, 189.52K)

No/It's translated

Yeah, but it's so heavily modified and uses unique assets for pretty much everything so it's hard to tell.


Attached: Capture.png (398x74, 4.25K)

It also fucks up the screen. Windows it force chances your montor's resolution to 320x200 and full screen won't upscale.

Is it "translator" or

>patreon project
You're hilarious.
Around 90% of it is, newest story segments are not.

Reminder to head all the way north for infinite free food and board!

yes there is

Attached: uid_rast_im_wald.jpg (642x852, 175.75K)

>start archiving eroge
>criteria for inclusion: has to be in English/MTL (or game intuitive enough to play I don't need to learn moon runes) + no male mc + can't be made in some retarded third party game engine/tools I need to download myself separately from the game + no real-life photo/3dpd content + no m2f tranny shit
>get hundreds of results for "bestiality" tag on the major distribution sites
Why the fuck is that tag so popular? You look up more vanilla fetishes and you don't get anywhere near the same amount of results.

iirc the dev used to frequent /hgg2d/ then disappeared and now this demo surfaced. I guess they told him to fuck off when he made patreon?

because RPG maker games are just made to appeal to the largest audience which is why they just do a checklist of popular fetishes. 60% always have a single bestiality and piss scene just so they can tag it.

There was a falling out when the patreon was made despite no game yet existing at all yes.
I'm one of his paypiggies now, glad he didn't die.

Well its fine if you only gave him money after he showed progress and a working game, but people had all the right to shit on him if there wasnt even a demo and he was already demanding money, but my guess is that sooner or later he'll flake and drop it or goes months without any sort of progress just leeching off patreon bucks

Titty vampire's game was good.

Dev literally was a hgg2d user who started a game. Everyone was happy over the general producing a game until he started a Patreon and got kicked out.

Attached: talk shit.png (640x480, 543.82K)

wot game?

>rpg maker

Choose one.

I didn't even feel like the game itself was that good since it was easy enough that you could ignore a good chunk of the mechanics, but Doris managed to bring it home just by being absurdly hot. I had a boner the whole way through.

thanks, fren. appreciated. :)

Oh wait, theres a translation for this? I only ever found the japanese version, can you link the TL? And how is it, actual TL or MTL?

Just find one that doesn't use stock assets and moe styled characters on the map screen.

It was done by an actual group so it's a real TL