Why is he a bad guy again?

Why is he a bad guy again?

Attached: kamushida.jpg (1280x720, 114.9K)

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>t. incel freak

>persona fag
>calls people incels

He's the good guy now after P5R. Joker himself said so.

Kamoshida is great!

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Didn't know they released this on the ps2

Because he beat up students and raped the female ones, user. That sort of thing is generally frowned upon.

But it builds character

Specifically the "suicidal rape victim" character

The man just wants to hot dog those two buns at the same time like a true coomer patrician

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He thought he was a king of a castle. What does he think he is, some kind of king?

>It's okay for Kawakami to sleep with a student but not Kamoshida

Bullies students
Abuses his power to force students into overexertion
Caused somebody's leg to break
Beats up a kid
Rapes a girl

It's called enabling character growth.

It's not rape in that situation. Both parties are consenting.

It's also called assault.

Joker cannot legally consent.

He's over 16.

He is legal by Japan's laws.

Why is Harvey Weinstein a bad guy again?

He isn't Chad like Joker

Age of consent is 18 in Tokyo.


I'd fuck Big Bad Harv for $6 million

Anne looking monged in

I'd fuck Big Dick Kamoshida for a spot on the volleyball team.

>If you fuck this gross fleshy puss-sack you get millions via movie roles
>Or you can say no and just get nothing
>Person agrees to this trade
>Later cries after making millions like they didn't consciously make the choice to fuck the puss-sack
Women, not even once.

>However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship"


Tokyo may be 18, but Joker and Kawakami could be considered sincere.

It's abusing a position of power. Kamoshida's the same, except he does it with minors and also beats his students.

>could be considered sincere
You're gonna have a hard time convincing anyone that a teacher/student romance is a "sincere romantic relationship".

It's more sincere than anything involving Kamoshida.

Because Joker paid for it?

He stops paying when it become serious.

Sure tranny. Jennifer could said no. And she knew it. That's why she didn't join the witch hunt. She made her deal and now she's living with it.

I wish I could get raped because then I would at least have sex but no one wants me.

Shiho could also have said no.

>the virgin fight to free society from its chains or whatever
>the chad cooming inside underage girls inside your own mind

Full image where?

Because he's jewish

He was having sex with girls ages 14-17.

That shit is pedphilia and creepy shit man.

Just look at that picture. He literally has Ann in a skimpy outfit.

He's honestly the worst in the whole game. Honestly should've saved him for last.

>Teacher takes her student's money until they start fucking
What a sincere romantic relationship.

I got raped and it wasn’t that bad in all honesty. I’ve been through worse.

Imagine believing that a japenese could ever win an olympic medal in anything kek

>That shit is pedphilia
It's literally not

Here, dumbshit.

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Having sex with literally children

Uhhh yeah it is. Why are you defending pedos? Got something to hide?

Thanks, faggot

most reddit post I have read all day

>When the first antagonist ends up being the only popular one

only soifags call other people incels

Read a book you stupid nigger
I never said it was okay, just that it's not pedophilia. Because it's literally not pedophilia

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