You're the director of soul calibur 7...

>you're the director of soul calibur 7. the series isn't doing so great and it is on the verge of death what will you do to save it? will it be gameplay mechanics? maybe a certain guest character that can draw in new players? what will you do user in order to save this dead franchise.

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SC6 did fine and it had a tour (only to get fucked up by Covid-19 but that's not the game's fault) but anyway
>remove Reversal Edge, at best people just tolerate it's existence, no one actually likes it
>more varied stage layouts, maybe some more returning ones from older games too
>graphics that don't look like shit, I know graphics aren't everything but SC's generally supposed to be one of the better-looking fighters around
>that Edge Master mode from earlier games back, people claim to miss it
>maybe a stage creator alongside the character creator too?
>dunno who the guest character should be, I have no idea what people consider popular anymore. Sephiroth from FF7 in light of the Remake maybe?

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Do exactly what fans want, while ignoring trannies.

>>graphics that don't look like shit, I know graphics aren't everything but SC's generally supposed to be one of the better-looking fighters around
They're never gonna do that if they keep using Unreal, which they will.

Soul Calibur but with darker tone, make it a crossover with Dark Souls for easy money
No supers, no critical edge, up to date visuals and with interactive backgrounds (casuals love that shit)

Just got back into the game. I bought the deluxe edition why is there shit I dont have?

Also add HDR support.
Dead or Alive 6 has it turn it off if you cant cope.

>why is there shit I dont have
There are two season passes

>Add a new single player mode where your CaS adds characters to their party with RPG elements on a turn based map
>Update models, especially faces
>Add a player 2 outfit for characters
>Keep sc6 Roster minus the guests, add Viola rip off, Algol, Edge Master, and some new characters
>Dante as a guest, and maybe another character from a FG
>replace SC with edge attacks
>Lower meter gain
>Make supers have longer start up, whiffing a 5A and being super'd for it is super dumb.
>More stage variety

I Think SC6 is a great upgrade and better than SC2 after having almost 2 years with it. I still am not a fan of SC forcing too many rapid "just guess" situations with giant rewards. Also some hitboxes are still just funny, mostly on verticals.

>keeps 6's speed
>graphical improvements across the board
>remove RE
>old Soul Charge replaced with strictly soul attack
>rework brave edges back into the game for everyone not just yoshi
>step counters no longer behave like regular CH and are now just normal hits with more damage
>as a compensation for the step buff box stepping is now at unsafe as regular double input side-stepping
>most CEs are now around the speed of V's
>more varied stages
>roster larger than 6's at the start
>reduce the amount of crazy okizeme some characters can do(specifically remove stuff like zas's half life ukemi traps and cerv's post idgr tech trap)

I don't want soulcalibur 7. Just port 2 to pc and modern consoles and give it good netplay. Soulcalibur has been shit since 3 onwards and I don't trust them to make a good installment ever again. I don't care about the stupid guest characters like Geralt or 2B, just like I never cared about Link or Spawn in 2 either. I don't care about create a soul. I dont care about the shitty gimmicks like meter and reversal edge. Soulcalibur never needed these things. I just want a good game with solid mechanics and all the classic characters. The fact 6 STILL doesnt have yunseong or hwang is fucking insulting. Fuck bandai namco.

>Just port 2 to pc and modern consoles and give it good netplay.
They did that before and hardly anyone cared

I think Hwang's been datamined for Season 2 DLC along with Setsuka?

That shit had awful netplay and it never came to pc. It was only on ps3/xbox and that version is already old as fuck anyways.

idk what happened to SC. It sold great up through 4. 5 was mediocre but 6 should have done better.

Shut up SC2 is extremely boring and if you played it you would know that.

6 didn't do badly at all

>Shut up SC2 is extremely boring
Zoom zoom


-Remove reversal edge
-Improve single player for casul appeal rather than simplifying competition
-Karl Franz guest character

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>the series isn't doing so great and it is on the verge of death
But 6 was probably the best in the franchise (certainly from a gameplay perspective), and it apparently did pretty well.

>But 6 was probably the best in the franchise (certainly from a gameplay perspective)
fuck no

yeah, it really was

SC2 and 5 were good, but 6 is better.

Nah, I have been playing the series since Soul Blade on PSX and I really really hate 6. To me it has turned into nothing but Waifu Calibur since playing dress up is the only joy left I get from the game, playing online is a pain in the ass

Its pretty good as waifu makers go, tho

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Not at all


Honestly I want the CaS stuff toned back. I'm here for Soul Calibur not everybodys meme creations.

Main character designs have been mostly shit since 4 so at least CAS alows you to use them without feeling like a circus clown. If most people prefer to make meme Jokers and horse penis lizardmen blame people, not the creator

It's true
6 has
>best balance, by a WIDE margin
>largest number of viable moves per character, particularly in comparison to SC2
>stronger movement than SC5 but not so much it turns into a turtlefest like SC2
>nothing that fucks up the defense like 2G in SC2 or JG in SC5
>lethal hits are pretty cool
and most importantly
>best designed and most unique, fun-to-play character movesets

desu I'd say like 60% of people online are using a default character or sensibly-dressed default character, 20% are using donut-steel elf waifus, and 20% are using [character] from [franchise]

>>best balance, by a WIDE margin
okay but only due to the advantage of constant update patches
>>largest number of viable moves per character, particularly in comparison to SC2
more does not equal better
>>stronger movement than SC5 but not so much it turns into a turtlefest like SC2
The movement in 6 feels like shit. More freedom of movement is ideal for a 3d fighting game.
>>nothing that fucks up the defense like 2G in SC2 or JG in SC5
2G didnt fuck up 2's defense at all, it made the game better actually
>>lethal hits are pretty cool
subjective opinion, I dont care for them at all
>and most importantly
>>best designed and most unique, fun-to-play character movesets
subjective opinion. This statement literally means nothing.

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6 actually has 2G lite where you can guard much sooner by like 8 frames by stepping with quarter circle motions, it's really annoying. Also the buffering system keeps giving me jumps and making me foreground roll when I mean to 2G on the ground. Other than that 6 is pretty great.

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I dont see how anyone can say with a straight face that the game is balanced when 2b, Siegfried and Cassandra are a thing
And unique movesets? The only really new moveset (besides guest characters) is Groh, and he is straight from Naruto

I guess you should just hope for another port of 2 so you can play your 3d version of smash melee

Keep everything from 6 except remove those weird hidden sub mechanics most characters have and replace the reduced damage on low HP mechanic with rage from Tekken. Also re-add all the different weapon skins for each character because tons of them are cool as fuck. Even the silly weapons

>Release DLC faster than snail with a cramp
>Make simpler pieces for CaS that can stack over each other more easily rather than eccentric bullshit that doesn't work with half of your other eccentric bullshit
>Let you search for CaS characters by name and save them directly to your console for online play

Gameplay wise I have next to no problems, but fuck with this game taking the back seat to Tekken 7 it just feels like everything comes out at a snail's pace and CaS options are somehow worse than they were in the last game.

Who the fuck is talking about melee in here? Literally rent free

DLC came out at a snail's pace for T7 too especially with Season 1. Season 2 was quicker because it was mostly repurposed assets from TTT2.

Reboot the whole thing, theres way too much baggage unfortunately.
>restart the story from Soul Edge
>keep the speed of SC6
>add more single player modes, missions, character viewer, all the good stuff
>remove the season pass bullshit, only offer dlc if the game did good

No need to dance around the problem, SC6 gameplay might went towards the right direction, but if this keeps up SC will die as the "character creator meme tekken with swords" you might disagree first, but look deep into your heart.
if SC needs to die, it might as well die with a bang, trying everything it can to salvage the series.

>largest number of viable moves per character, particularly in comparison to SC2
This is actually a problem I have with the game. The moves are TOO good, WAY too good to the point where you have to be fucking stupid to not be pressing buttons at all times. ALL buttons are valid because all of them will put the opponent in a bad situation if they are unfortunate enough to be in range and not pressing a button themselves at that moment. Defense isnt just weak in this game, its fucking non-existent.

Make it open world RPG. Every time you fight an enemy, it turns into the fighting game. Then I market it as "as hard as dark souls", cause imagine shit tons of HP you lose after each fight. There is also a normal versus mode, but there are only few characters in it and I make it look like it's not the main feature (on the main screen there is: continue, new game, option and vs mode called "retro mode") so no normalfag will even think of touching it. The name of the game is "SUBTITLE: SoulCalibur". I also remove fanservice. On one conference I show the Ivy trailer and she is dressed like a human being but still hot. So outraged fans will spread my viral marketing for free.