Why would raiders take in a little girl?

Why would raiders take in a little girl?

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cum toilet

To use them as meat shields

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No one is heartless.

because they arent gay

Why have children at all that replace us when we're dead?

Mattresses, you mean

Because the Raiders in Crater aren't heartless monsters.
You learn this once you go up against Lev.

I don't remember Todd being this based

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they look disgusting like uncanny valley

Fallout has little internal logic, if it were then it would be simple: Raiders are either foreign looters looking to improve their daily lot in life trough dishonest martial combat or they're poor locals.
But since the scenario constantly want to walk the line between society is dead and society is a stones toss away buy some microwave dinner and eat it while your favorite show comes on, a raider is either just a drug addict or a gang member, both which require a certain amount of advanced society to prop up.

You can only do so much to polish up a Bethesda game

The ones in Crater fall more toward the former
At least the characters that matter


my fucking DICK

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>Bethesda writing
>Apocalyptic wasteland

cunny valley more like

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holy based

Not to be that guy but New Vegas handles raider gangs pretty well.
Possibly because it makes kit clear that civilization has come back.

Whoa, fallout is that based?

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You wouldn't?

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sorta how they established it in fo76, you gotta broker peace before you can approach raiders (sorta like using khan getup to negotiate with them in NV) and then you can do quest and work on your reputation with main raider faction. there is of course another always hostile to everyone side faction just so there is more shit to shoot.

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Are the raider factions any more or less retarded than the ones in Nuka World?

New vegas is still a foot in the renaissance faire ride area fallout and obsidian games usually are but yeah, NV at least is trying to balance the desert shithole nostalgia by making it more cowboy themed.
Though honestly, the engine does not in any way do justice for there to be a gang of junkies who are completely separate from society. Neither did the 3 vegas gangs being primitive retards turned themepark gangsters.

We most likely wont see a serious attempt at fallout and the societies after and keep finding skeletons in chairs in buildings supposedly inhabited for several generations. Because that's not the series bread and butter.

>that slaver part in F3

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pre-wastelanders you only had backstory on 5 main raider factions and how they differed in style, sorta like nuka world but less retarded.
in wastelanders you have only two raider factions, Crater which is the one you can interact with and Blood Eagles who are hostile to everything and serve only to be shot at but somehow end up with high tier plasma guns.
Crater guys are remains of one of original raider gangs that escaped while scorched plague fucked things up and now they are coming back a year later to reclaim the wasteland. somehow beth managed to write their characters as more interesting than their counterpart Foundation, aka settlers/regular folk.

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