
are we getting more Digimon games soon since the reboot is happening now?

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>caring about anything else than Gatomon porn

> Survive has been delayed every few months for the last 2 years


>omnimon in the second episode

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You implying it's not all about those cute boys?

Survive is coming one day someday

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It was fine you baby.

doomposter gets the rope

Get over it already.

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There's more to Digimon than cats.

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Please don't turn this into one of those threads.

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>guess I'll die

It was cool though.

Attached: Digimon Adventure 2020.webm (2048x576, 1.69M)

>adventure reboot
But why?

yeah I already didnt like the premise of ep 1, but this made me drop the series altogether
I just wanted adventure but in HD, not this nostalgia pandering shit

Show me some more, I think my pants are digivolving.

because why not?

>Yas Forumsigimon threads devolve into either fur or scalefaggotry.
>Yas Forums threads devolve into either incestposting, shotafujofaggotry or sone mimifag spamming the thread with mimi.
I just want to talk about cyborg dinos with guns

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Yeah man, that last episode was totally cool.

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Gimme more Impmon/Guilmon and then we'll talk.

It really felt as if it has SOUL and wasn't just a SOULLESS rip-off of the better source material.

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original timeline story is finished and it's fucking shitshow
>I just wanted adventure but in HD, not this nostalgia pandering shit
damn Yas Forumsiggers are retarded
go to /vg/

I bet you love the FF7 remake too faggot

is that..a-agumon?

I don't give a shit about final faggotry, Yas Forumsigger.

Aren't they a bit too young to browse Yas Forums?

>being this cynical about a genuinely good production after the legit soulless trash that was Tri
Literally nothing wrong with paying tribute to the original. It's fanservice, not just shameless milking by playing Butterfly at every chance they get.

Attached: Digimon Adventure (2020) - 02.webm (768x432, 2.84M)

2 nukes really weren't enough apparently.

Here you go, bro.

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cringe, go be a nerd somewhere else

>not playing Butterfly very chance they got
I'm so glad they didnt remix Butterfly for the OP, it would've been way too much.

>go to /vg/

That's how remakes work now. Get used to it, grandpa.

Sure thing, fellow Flamedramon connoisseur.

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Nothing wrong with DigiGeneral.

adventure is cool and all but whens the tamer pandering start?

>are we getting more Digimon games
Why would you want that though?

All Digimon games are fucking shit.
Cyber Sleuth was so bad I stopped playing games altogether.

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what the fuck


It's a shame since I think it's peak digimon

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Pretty sure most people consider it peak digimon

Give me that sweet WarGreymon and Weregarurumon ass, you fag.

I only ever see people getting gay for renamon.

Renamon makes it an internet powder keg, so they might be a bit hesitant until they can portray it properly, whether that's ignoring or embracing the inevitable reaction i'm not sure.

So far I think the adventure remake is doing it justice, but could you really do the same for tamers when it was more of a passion project of the director?

People compare it to eva but unlike eva main character is not a pussy.